Terms & Conditions

This referral is created by Endowus HK Limited (“Endowus”). It should not and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, invitation, recommendation for buying or selling of investment products or as basis on making any investment decision, or constitute as professional advice. Participants should, before making any investment decision, understand the risks and the relevant laws, tax and accounting principles and consequences, and whether such persons can bear such relevant risks, and if necessary, should seek professional advice.

What do I need to do to participate in the promotion?Participants have to create an Endowus account by registering an email and password. Endowus Fee is charged on a quarterly basis based on their daily average total assets under advice (AUA) for the period of the fee, depending on their cash portfolio. For details, kindly refer to the fee schedule. The “Endowus Fee” discount will not be issued in any other forms in case of withdrawal.For the avoidance of doubt, this does not affect your fund-level fees due to the fund manager.This offer is not valid with any other offers and is not transferable, may not be transferred to another person or exchanged for cash. You are responsible for any tax consequences, if any, that may result from your redemption or use of fee credits. This offer is available to Hong Kong residents only. Endowus reserves the right to terminate or extend this offer at any time for any reason, to limit the amount of account bonuses you are eligible to receive, and to refuse or recover any offer award if Endowus determines that it was obtained under wrongful or fraudulent circumstances, that inaccurate or incomplete information was provided in opening the account, that any rules or regulations would be violated, or that any terms of the Endowus Platform Agreement have been violated.

By default, the Endowus Fee Credit will be issued in HKD currency and be applicable for HKD investments only. For participants whose investments are in USD only, Endowus will net off your quarterly Endowus Fee charge directly with the valid and available Endowus Fee Credit in a USD equivalent amount.

What else do I need to know?
1. Endowus accepts no responsibility for accounts not successfully completed due to a technical fault, technical malfunction, computer hardware or software failure, satellite, network or server failure of any kind.
2. Please note that the ability to make an investment on the platform will be contingent upon a participant successfully opening an account with Endowus. Endowus reserves the right to decline new client accounts that do not meet our know-your-customer (KYC) and funding requirements.
3. Endowus reserves the right to not allow participation by any person, at its discretion. In addition, Endowus reserves the right to disqualify any participant that is suspected of any fraudulent activity such as, but not limited to, creation of fake accounts.
4. The decision of Endowus regarding any aspect of the referral is final and binding.
5. Participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to these terms and conditions by signing-up. Endowus reserves the right to refuse entry, or refuse to award anyone in breach of these terms and conditions.
6. Endowus reserves the right to hold, void, cancel, suspend, or amend the promotion or these terms and conditions (in whole or in part) at any time without prior notification to participants. Whilst we will always use our best endeavours to honour our promotions, events beyond our control may occur that would render the award of the promotion impossible. Accordingly, Endowus will not be liable for any loss, whether directly or indirectly suffered, as a result of an event outside of its control.
7. By entering the promotion, participants agree and acknowledge that all personal data submitted may be collected, processed, stored, disclosed or otherwise used by Endowus and its affiliates for the purposes of conducting and administering the promotion.
8. To the extent permitted by law, these Terms shall be exclusively governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these terms shall exclusively be submitted to and dealt with by the competent court in Hong Kong.

Join our in-person event on private markets with EQT, HarbourVest and HPS. Exclusive for Professional Investors.

We have a special offer for you.

Endowus gives you access to 300+ top-performing strategies managed by leading global fund managers, with no subscription fees and 100% cashback on trailer commissions.

Enjoy HKD300 off your Endowus Fee when you sign up with the code YCNHR.
🎉 Elevate your wealth with us! Enjoy HKD500 Endowus Fee Credit when you sign up via the promo code and have completed investments in accumulation of the same currency of either HKD10,000 or USD1,300 from 23 October to 30 November 2024. The credit is valid for 6 months once issued.

🎉 更好投資,更大創富可能 - 凡於2024年10月23日至11月30日用此推廣碼開戶及完成同一貨幣累計投資金額HKD10,000或USD1,300,將可獲贈HKD500投顧費的豁免額。豁免額的有效期為派發後的6個月內。
Thank you for your interest in starting your investment journey with Endowus! Endowus MoneySmart Promotion has ended on 31 December, 2024. Please refer to our website for our latest updates.

感謝您有興趣與Endowus 智安投開展投資之旅!Endowus 智安投MoneySmart開戶獎賞活動已於2024年12月31日完結。請參閱我們的網站,緊貼我們的最新動態。
🎉In 2025, achieve all your wealth goals with conflict-free advice and exclusive fund access. For our Chinese New Year exclusive offer, enjoy HKD588 off your Endowus Fee when you sign up via this link and complete investments in accumulation of the same currency over HKD10,000 (or USD1,300) from 6 Jan 2025 to 16 Feb 2025.

🎉在2025年實現您的財富目標,獲取Conflict-free的投資建議,發掘精選頂尖基金。凡於2025年1月6日至2月16日用此連結開戶及完成同一貨幣累計投資金額HKD10,000(或USD1,300)或以上投資,將可獲贈HKD588投顧費的豁免額。 立即捉緊新年限定迎新禮遇!
🎉In 2025, achieve all your wealth goals with conflict-free advice and exclusive fund access. For our Chinese New Year exclusive offer, enjoy HKD588 off your Endowus Fee when you sign up via this link and complete investments in accumulation of the same currency over HKD10,000 (or USD1,300) from 6 Jan 2025 to 16 Feb 2025.

🎉在2025年實現您的財富目標,獲取Conflict-free的投資建議,發掘精選頂尖基金。凡於2025年1月6日至2月16日用此連結開戶及完成同一貨幣累計投資金額HKD10,000(或USD1,300)或以上投資,將可獲贈HKD588投顧費的豁免額。 立即捉緊新年限定迎新禮遇!
View T&Cs hereView T&Cs here
Code applied!

Why invest with us

Expert advice
Disciplined, time-tested investing to navigate market volatility and reach your financial goals holistically.
Best opportunities
Institutional, low cost access to best-in-class fund managers with expertise, scale, and real proven track records.
low, fair fees
No commissions. No subscription fees. 100% cashback on trailer commissions. Only an all-in-one Endowus Fee for as low as 0.1% p.a.

How does Endowus work?

Pick your own funds

If it’s on our list, it has our stamp of approval. Screened and monitored for track record, strategy, fees, team, and more, access 300+ top-tier funds from 70+ global managers.

Automated advice

Take control of your target return, risk and income payouts with our multi-fund portfolios pre-optimised for your specific investment goals.

Human advice

Whether it’s about your investment goals, a specific fund, or any of your money questions, you have full access to our client advisory team, as and when you want it.

Why invest with Endowus?

Lower fees means
higher returns

Enjoy Zero subscription fees and 100% Cashback on trailer commissions.

Lower fees means higher returns

Enjoy 0% subscription fees and 100% Cashback on trailer commissions.

Invest like the

Get access to institutional share class funds of leading global fund managers.

Invest like the experts

Get access to institutional share class funds of leading global fund managers.

Safety & security to invest with peace of mind.

Partnered with

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We partner with HSBC, where your deposits are kept in a HSBC trust account (Client Money Account) and separate from Endowus’ balance sheet and operating accounts. 

This means your investable assets are segregated, no matter what happens to Endowus.
Find out more

No lending of your money or assets

Bank runs happen because banks are in the business of taking your deposits (a liability for the bank) and lending your money out to earn interest.

As a non-bank platform, Endowus offers no leverage,  does not lend out client monies or assets, and is not a custodian of your securities. Client assets are ultimately held by fund-appointed custodians.

Compliance for clients
working in finance.

(i) Endowus only offer discretionary managed third-party funds, and do not carry single stocks/bond or exchange-traded securities, satisfying most personal account dealing (PAD) requirements.

(ii) As requested, our system can automatically configure to send monthly statements to a designated reporting email address.
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