Your financial future
— in numbers

Future-proofing your
financial health

An investment plan
designed for you

The appropriate asset
allocation for all risk levels
Calculate an investment plan to achieve a desired future spending need
I am planning for a future spending need that is of $ (in today’s money)
I will need this money starting from the year info Spending need is assumed to start at the beginning of the stated year. for years I will need this money in the year info Lump sum amount is assumed to be needed in January of this year.
I expect this spending will need to account for an inflation rate of % info
Based on these inputs, your aggregate cash flow need is ____ over ____ years.
Just for your reference, adjusted for inflation, this spending need is ____ in ____ , and ____ in ____ .
Based on these inputs, adjusted for inflation, the cash flow you desire in ____ is ____.
I expect my investment portfolio to generate an annualised return of % info
I expect to start investing towards this goal in
To meet your spending need and given your expected return, you will need a monthly investment of ____ or an initial investment of ____ with no monthly investment.
I am able to make an initial investment of $
With that initial investment, you will need a monthly investment of ____ up until the start year of your desired cash flow ____ months away.
In aggregate, your investment amount will be ____.
Choose from expert advised portfolios that align with your needs