Webinar: Guide to riding through US Fed rate cuts
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Webinar: Guide to riding through US Fed rate cuts

19 Sep
9 Sep

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About the session

The US Federal Reserve had signalled that the “time has come” for rate cuts. After Jerome Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole, and with the latest lacklustre Job Report, the central bank seems fairly set to transition from a pause to a cutting mode, starting from September.

The speculation around the Fed funds rate has since moved from the question of “when” to “how much”, as the assessment of job-market health will be key to how big an interest-rate cut the Fed delivers. Our Investment Office has devoted attention to analysing the historical patterns of the Fed cycles and their effects on the market. Still, every cycle is unique and expectations of markets often go differently. 

On 19 Sep, the day after the FOMC meeting, Hugh Chung, Chief Investment Advisory Officer, and Yulin Liu, Investment Lead at Endowus, will discuss the implications of a rate cut now and how investors should be positioned in a live webinar. 

Topics to be discussed:

  1. The Fed’s policy decision and its implications for investors.
  2. Historical references and investment opportunities in a rate-cutting cycle
  3. Ways to strategically optimise your cash and fixed income portfolio

Speakers will field questions live towards the end of the session. You may submit your questions ahead of time here.

About the speakers

Hugh Chung

Chief Investment Advisory Officer, Endowus

Hugh Chung is the Chief Investment Advisory Officer at Endowus, Asia’s leading digital wealth platform. 

In his current role, Hugh leads the integration of investment functions and strategies across the Endowus Group, comprising the Endowus digital platform, Endowus Private Wealth, and Carret Private. He oversees the centralised Investment Office, which provides group strategic direction on the expert curation and management of all investment solutions across public and private markets, for individual and institutional investors in Singapore and Hong Kong. 

Hugh has more than 20 years of experience in the asset management and financial advisory space in Asia. In his previous role as the Chief Investment Officer for a single family office, he was responsible for strategic asset allocation, portfolio construction and fund selection across all regions and asset classes. Hugh was also previously Managing Director at Kadensa Capital and Azentus Capital as the founding member and senior investor of two of the most successful hedge fund launches in Asia. Before this, Hugh had oversight of Korea equity distribution at J.P. Morgan, and began his career at Goldman Sachs and Samsung Securities.

Yulin Liu

Investment Lead, Endowus

Yulin Liu is the Investment Lead at Endowus. Yulin focuses on investment due diligence and portfolio construction, and coordinates with other departments on investment-related matters. She is a member of the Investment Committee and is passionate about making investing more accessible and easier for individuals.

Her most recent role was with AQR Capital Management, where she served major institutional investors across Asia in their investment and portfolio monitoring needs.

Yulin holds a Masters in Financial Analysis (Distinction) from London Business School, and a MEng in Engineering, Economics and Management (First Class Honours) from the University of Oxford.


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