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Model Portfolios

China Equities

Capture China's high growth potential by investing in its best companies listed onshore and offshore.
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Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC)
CE NO. bqr225
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The Asset Triple A Digital Awards and
Asia Asset Management Best of the Best Awards

How we do it better

Capture China's high growth potential

China has seen rapid growth, undergone significant structural reforms and has become the world's second largest equity market with return opportunities across various new and traditional sectors.

Best of both worlds: onshore and offshore equities

Broad and diverse exposure to China's structural  growth opportunities through onshore such as A-shares, and offshore greater China exposures through various market listings in HK, US, Taiwan and other markets.

Managed by leading China market specialists

Navigate China's markets in a multi-manager portfolio through leading experts who have invested in China for decades, such as JP Morgan, Schroders, First Sentier FSSA, Allianz and Aberdeen.

Learn more about this model portfolio in our article

Underlying funds

Portfolio Product Risk Rating: Please note that any portfolio product risk rating (the “PoRR”) provided by us is an internal rating assigned based on our product risk assessment model, and is for your reference only. For model portfolios, the portfolio PoRR is a weighted average product risk rating of funds included in the model portfolio rounding to the nearest integer. The PoRR is subject to change from time to time. The PoRR does not take into account your individual circumstances, objectives or needs and should not be regarded as advice or recommendation to purchase, hold or sell any fund or make any other investment decisions. Accordingly, you should not solely rely on the PoRR when making your investment decision in the relevant Portfolio.
Last updated Nov 2023. Fund allocation percentages are for reference only and will be subject to adjustments due to market circumstances.
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Low, fair fees

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You can enjoy up to 50% savings compared to other industry offerings
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know more?

What is the difference between core portfolios and satellite portfolios?

For most investors, the core portfolios - Global model portfolios and Factors model portfolios by Dimensional Fund Advisors (for Professional Investors only), are designed to be efficient broad market investment portfolios for general wealth accumulation needs. Built on the back of empirical data and academic research, the Core portfolios are suitable as the backbone of an investor’s overall investment strategy.

The satellite portfolios are designed to provide additional Best-in-Class exposure to specific assets, regions, sectors or themes. These are suitable for investors seeking to complement their existing broad market investments with a further focused allocation to express individual views on long-term growth opportunities.

What is a core-satellite investment strategy?

A core-satellite investment strategy is where an investor splits his capital allocation between a portfolio that serves as a foundation for his general wealth accumulation goals, and a conviction-based portfolio that is more focused and riskier. Usually, investors considering this strategy would use a diversified, broad market exposure portfolio such as our Global Portfolios as this is designed to give the highest probability of success, for their core allocation. This can then be supplemented by our Satellite portfolios that are more narrowly focused on specific assets, regions, sectors or themes.

Investing in a thematic or sector focused satellite portfolio on its own could potentially be riskier as it is less diversified. However, when used as a supplement to a core portfolio, the overall risk to their wealth accumulation goals can be balanced out while also providing the investor with the exposure to the asset, region, sector or theme that can potentially generate larger returns over the long-term from the secular trends or growth opportunities.

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