Dividend investing has always been an attractive investment strategy to many in Hong Kong because it generates passive income for us. It is a popular way to earn additional income, or build your investment portfolio towards retirement.
As we head into 2025 amid looming uncertainties in the global markets, dividend investing could be a good strategy for investors to consider. As dividend-paying companies tend to be of high quality with healthy cash flow, and have historically outperformed the market during periods of greater market volatility.
Let’s explore how dividend investing can help you achieve your financial goals.
What is dividend investing?
Dividend investing refers to selecting stocks from companies or real estate investment trusts (REITs) that are able to pay out relatively high and consistent dividends. These corporations are usually established with a strong history of stable earnings.
Dividend payouts can be paid at different times — typically quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

How do you identify good dividend stocks?
Key metrics

Payout ratio
There is no ideal number for a good dividend payout ratio as it is dependent on the sector that the company is in. Instead, look out for companies that give a consistent and stable payout ratio.
Dividend yield
Again, there is no ideal number for a good dividend yield. More importantly, if you do find a company with high dividend yield, look further into the company’s underlying financial strength to determine its ability to generate consistent payouts in the future.
Dividend growth rate
This is a less common measurement but still a good gauge of a company’s future dividend growth. If it has a strong history of dividend growth, it signals that the company is profitable in the long term and future dividend growth is likely.
Benefits of dividend investing
1. Generates passive income
Being able to secure investment returns from dividend payouts is one of the biggest benefits. This makes it more attractive than growth investing. Even though growth stocks may have larger capital appreciation, returns are not realised unless you sell your investment holdings. With this additional source of income, it can help you to meet your financial goals in the short term as well.
2. Less volatility and lower risk
During periods of economic instability, stable and dividend-paying companies tend to endure economic downturns better than other companies because of their strong financial foundation. This explains why they usually have a long record of reliable and stable growth, even if it is slower. With less volatility and lower risk, dividend stocks are hence great for capital preservation while earning passive income from dividend payments.
3. Dividends grow together with company's profits
Some may be turned off by the idea that dividend stocks are boring. Still, if you invest in a dividend paying company with increasing profitability, your dividends grow steadily, giving you the freedom to use that growing passive income.
Dividend investing is no sure bet
To be clear, dividend payouts are a variable amount or percentage of the share price.
Companies may have a dividend policy that serves as a more assuring guide, but it is not guaranteed — not even for blue-chip stocks. That means dividends can be skipped or lowered.
Investors should also keep their eye out for companies that have been raising their regular dividend payouts and are running sustainable businesses that justify the payouts. If a company is not profitable, it will have less available funds to fund the dividend payouts.
It is very important for investors to look closely at the financial status of the company. Some unprofitable companies may appear to be giving a stable payout, but that might be simply because the share price has been falling, which is artificially boosting its yield figure.
Ensure that the dividend growth is financed by increasing profits of the company instead of debt. A company may choose to take on new debt in order to pay a special dividend to private investors or shareholders, and this is known as dividend recapitalisation. There may be a risk that the company is unable to withstand the additional debt.
When a company decides to reinvest their income, the money will be pumped back into the business to boost the company’s growth, instead of being used to pay out dividends to shareholders. This may thus disappoint investors who have the sole intention of getting dividends, unless they are convinced that the money could be reinvested to accelerate growth, which promises stronger dividends later.
Finally, when companies do not meet their expected earnings or are facing diminishing earnings, their stock price may fall as many investors decide to dump the shares. That will mean lower capital gains for investors.
Dividend investing strategies
Dividend investing can be a very powerful and sustainable investment strategy for passive income. To optimise your dividend investments and tackle the risks, here are some tips.
Invest in companies with stable payouts, rising dividend growth rate
Since there is a risk of companies cutting their dividends, there is no guarantee that you will receive a stable payout. However, you can lower this risk by focusing on a company’s ability to increase and consistently distribute dividends, instead of its dividend yield.
One easy way is to study a company’s financial profile:
- Total revenue: tells us the ability of the company to sell its products
- Net income: tells us the ability of the company to make profits
- Cash flow from operating activities: tells us the ability of the firm to pay off its liabilities
This would be a signal that the company is profitable and has a healthy cash flow to maintain a steady dividend payout.
Building your dividend investment portfolio with Endowus funds
Besides investing in single dividend stocks, you may also consider investing in professionally managed dividend-yielding mutual funds (or also called unit trusts).
Some investors might remember, Hong Kong blue-chip dividend investing staple HSBC was forced to pause dividends in April 2020 by the UK banking regulator and caused the stock to plunge 9.5% overnight to HK$39.95, the lowest price since the GFC in March 2009.
Instead of buying into just one or a few blue-chip dividend paying stocks, buying a dividend fund or a portfolio of dividend funds gives you a diversified exposure to various sectors or markets and can help you create a more robust portfolio and better diversification.
Here are some dividend focused funds you can invest in with Endowus Hong Kong through our Fund Smart platform.
With our 100% cashback on trailer fees and allowing access to institutional share class funds, you will get the most cost efficient solution on Endowus.
For those looking to build a diversified passive income source, you can also explore our IncomeUp Growth multi-asset model portfolio, which allocateds 60% to fixed income and 40% to eities, including 20% exposure to global dividend equities. Generally suited for investors looking for monthly payouts (target payout of 4.0-5.0% as of January 2025), while growing their capital in the long-term
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Read more:
- Should you buy and hold blue-chip stocks?
- 2025 market outlook: Interest rates, Trump, and AI
- How to invest your first $100,000 or $1 million
Risk Warnings
Investment involves risk. Past performance is not an indicator nor a guarantee of future performance. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not get the full amount you invested.
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