Dangers of saving too much cash
We rarely hear any warnings about playing it safe. We don't see headlines that say: "Hoarding cash forced family to file for bankruptcy", or "Placing deposits wipes out retirement savings."
The only news we read about is how someone lost all his money investing in the FTX, Luckin Coffee or Evergrandes of the world.
But the truth is, there are dangers to playing it safe. They just aren't as obvious or dramatic (unless you're in a negative interest rate environment, where Europe’s ECB experimented in the decade after the Global Financial Crisis).
But mind you, if the yield on your savings is not generating more than enough to cover inflation, then you're losing purchasing power every year on that cash. Keeping a sizable portion of your portfolio uninvested actually has a hidden cost to you over the long term. We are exposing ourselves to different types of risks — risk of not catching up on inflation, risk of not saving enough for retirement etc.
Investing is a long-term strategy
Warren Buffett in his annual letter to shareholders in 2014, explained how staying uninvested in cash might be a riskier investment than equities for long-term investors.
During the five decades from 1964 to 2014, the S&P returned 11,196% including reinvested dividends. In the same timeframe, the purchasing power of a dollar declined by 87%, which meant that it took US$1 to buy in 2014 what could be bought for US$0.13 in 1965.
As Buffett says, for the majority of investors with multi-decade horizons, short-term market moves are unimportant. The "focus should remain on attaining significant gains in purchasing power over their investing lifetime [with a diversified equity portfolio]."
Investing is a tool to help us reach our goals, and there is a target real rate of return our portfolios need to earn in order to achieve these goals.
If you start with $100,000 and want to double your money in 10 years, these are the returns you would need to achieve if you decide to keep a portion of the portfolio uninvested:
- 0% cash / 100% investments: 7.2% annualised returns on investments
- 20% cash / 80% investments: 9.6% annualised returns on investments
- 40% cash / 60% investments: 12.8% annualised returns on investments
- 60% cash / 40% investments: 17.5% annualised returns on investments
- 80% cash / 20% investments: 25.9% annualised returns on investments
Hence, the higher the percentage of cash you hold in your portfolio, the greater the risk you need to take in your investments to hit that target rate of returns.
Read more: The power of compounding interest explained
While looking at short-term daily market volatilities may make you want to hide your cash under your mattress, investing is a long-term strategy.
It can be deceiving to think you are not losing money when holding cash, as you are not subject to the daily positive or negative returns showing up on your investment accounts. But what the account balance doesn't show is your cash’s purchasing power declining (invisibly).
We don't know what will happen with the markets tomorrow, or the next month, or year. Surely, investments come with risks and volatilities, especially in the short-term.
But in the long-term, with horizons decades out for investment goals such as preparing for retirement, as proven by history, putting your money at work in the markets and letting it reap the rewards of compounding might be a wiser choice.

To get started on your investment journey with Endowus Hong Kong today, click here. Or you can schedule a 1-on-1 free consultation with our SFC-licensed client advisors for any questions you might have.
Read more: Why should we invest?
Risk Warnings
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