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Notice of Amendment to Terms and Conditions (effective 30 September 2024)

23 September 2024

We are updating our Terms and Conditions, which will take effect on 30 September 2024. You can find the updated Terms and Conditions via this link.

Please note that the updated Terms and Conditions will be binding on you if you continue to access or use our Platform, on or after 30 September 2024. If you do not accept the revised terms, you have the right to terminate your account with us.

Please feel free to get in touch with us on support.hk@endowus.com if you have any questions.

Summary of Amendments to the “GENERAL TERMS AND  CONDITIONS” (Changes indicated as strikethrough for deletion and grey highlighted for newly added)

Clause Exisiting Clause Revised Clause
18.1 All notices, demands or other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement (“Notices”) shall be sent as follows:
18.1.1 in the case of a Notice to you, to the electronic mail address indicated by you at account opening or edited subsequently through the “Change of Email procedure” available on the Platform or by posting a Notice on the Platform; and
18.1.2 in the case of a Notice to us, by email to support.hk@endowus.com
All notices, demands or other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement (“Notices”) shall be sent as follows:
18.1.1 in the case of a Notice to you, to the electronic mail address or physical mailing address indicated by you or updated by you subsequently in accordance with this Agreement at account opening or edited subsequently through the “Change of Email procedure” available on the Platform or by posting a Notice on the Platform; and 18.1.2 in the case of a Notice to us, by email to support.hk@endowus.com
18.2 You are deemed to receive the Notice sent by us upon the earlier of:
18.2.1 receipt of the Notice by you on the Platform;
18.2.2 receipt of the Notice by you through your electronic mail address; or
18.2.3 expiration of the calendar month following the posting of the Notice on the Platform or to your electronic mail address.
You are deemed to receive the Notice sent by us upon the earlier of:
18.2.1 receipt of the Notice by you on the Platform;
18.2.2 receipt of the Notice by you through your electronic mail address; or
18.2.3 expiration of the calendar month following the posting of the Notice on the Platform or to your electronic mail address; or.
18.2.4 in the case of Notices sent to your physical mailing address, two (2) Business Days after it is posted.
18.5 Applicability of this paragraph. Paragraph 18 of these General Terms relates only to Notices in respect of matters concerning the Platform or Services. 18.5 If you request for us to send any correspondence to a physical mailing address, you agree and acknowledge that without prejudice to paragraphs 18.1 and 18.2 :
18.5.1 there may be risks such as failure to receive or receiving your correspondences late. This may affect your ability to detect discrepancies, trading errors or unauthorised transactions promptly;
18.5.2 there are inherent risks that correspondence to such address may be opened by another individual at the same address; and
18.5.3 in any case, you shall not hold Endowus responsible for any losses which you may suffer from the non-receipt or delay in receiving the correspondence.
18.6 - Applicability of this paragraph. Paragraph 18 of these General Terms relates only to Notices in respect of matters concerning the Platform or Services.

Summary of Amendments to the “INVESTMENTSERVICES SPECIAL TERMS” (Changes indicated as strikethrough for deletion andgrey highlighted for newly added)

Clause Exisiting Clause Revised Clause
Where relevant, any dealings conducted on your behalf in respect of the Execution Services will be subject to the following:
5.1.1 we shall handle your and our other clients’ orders fairly and in the order in which they are received by us. We may aggregate your orders with those of other clients provided that we reasonably conclude at the outset that it is unlikely that such aggregation will generally operate to your disadvantage (although, in some cases, aggregation may operate to your disadvantage and in other cases aggregation will operate to your advantage) and that we shall give priority to satisfying your orders and those for other clients in any allocation if all orders cannot be filled;
Where relevant, any dealings conducted on your behalf in respect of the Execution Services will be subject to the following:
5.1.1 we shall handle your and our other clients’ orders fairly and in the order in which they are received by us and where applicable, in accordance with any execution policies we may publish from time to time. We may aggregate your orders with those of other clients provided that we reasonably conclude at the outset that it is unlikely that such aggregation will generally operate to your disadvantage (although, in some cases, aggregation may operate to your disadvantage and in other cases aggregation will operate to your advantage) and that we shall give priority to satisfying your orders and those for other clients in any allocation if all orders cannot be filled;
6.2 Endowus will use reasonable efforts to secure the best execution of all Transactions. In securing the best execution, it is our policy to consider various factors including the size and type of the Transaction, the nature and character of the markets involved, commission rates offered by available brokers, and brokers’ execution experience, integrity and financial responsibility. Endowus will use reasonable efforts to secure the best execution of all Transactions. In securing the best execution, it is our policy (which we may publish on our website from time to time) to consider various factors including the size and type of the Transaction, the nature and character of the markets involved, commission rates offered by available brokers, and brokers’ execution experience, integrity and financial responsibility.



我們正更新我們的“條款及細則”(T&C),新修訂之條款將於2024 年9月30日 生效。您可以通過此鏈結找到更新後的條款及細則。

請注意,如果您在 2024年9月30日[2] 或之後使用或繼續使用我們的任何產品和服務,更新後的條款及細則將對您具有約束力。如果您不接受修訂後的條款,您有權終止您在我們開立的賬戶。

如對上述有任何疑問,請隨時通過support.hk@endowus.com 與我們聯繫。

有關 “條款及細則”修訂的摘要(修訂後條文內有"刪除線"的為刪除字句,新增字句以"灰底"顯示)

文件 條文 現行條文 修訂後條文
[一般條款及細則] [18.1] [ 根據本協議要求或允許發出的所有通知、要求或其他通信("通知")應按以下方式發送:
18.1.1在向您發出通知的情況下,發送到您在開戶時指定的電子郵件地址,或隨後通過平台上提供的 "更改電子郵件程序 "或通過在平台上發佈通知而編輯的電子郵件地址;以及
18.1.2 如需向我們發出通知的情況,通過電子郵件發送給 support.hk@endowus.com]
18.1.1 在向您發出通知的情況下,發送到您在開戶時或隨後您按本協議更新的指定的電子郵件地址或通信地址通過平台上提供的 "更改電子郵件程序 "或通過在平台上發佈通知而編輯的電子郵件地址;以及
18.1.2 如需向我們發出通知的情況,通過電子郵件發送給 support.hk@endowus.com]
[一般條款及細則] [18.2] [在以下情況(取較早時間者),您將被視為收到我們發送的通知:
18.2.1 您在平台上收到通知;
18.2.2 您通過您的電子郵件地址收到通知;或
18.2.3 在平台上發佈通知或向您的電子郵件地址發送通知後已經過了該曆月。
18.2.1 您在平台上收到通知;
18.2.2 您通過您的電子郵件地址收到通知;或
18.2.3 您通過您的電子郵件地址收到通知;
18.2.4 如為實物通知到您的通信地址,則為郵寄後的兩 (2) 個工作天。]
[一般條款及細則] [18.5] [本款的適用性。本通用條款第18款僅涉及與平台或服務有關的事項的通知] 18.5 如果您要求我們將任何實物信件寄至通信地址,則您同意並確認,在不影響第 18.1 和 18.2 條的情況下:
18.5.2 存在與該地址的通訊可能被同一地址的其他人開啟的固有風險;和
18.5.3 在任何情況下,您不會要求 Endowus 承擔因您未收到或延遲收到信件而可能遭受的任何損失。
[一般條款及細則] [18.6] - 18.6 本段落的適用性。本通用條款第18條僅涉及與平台或服務有關的事項的通知。
[投資服務特別條款] [5.1] [在相關情況下,代表您就執行服務進行的任何交易將受 以後:
5.1.1 我們將按照我們收到訂單的順序公平地處理您和我們其他客戶的訂單。 我們可能會將您的訂單與其他客戶的訂單合併,前設是我們在初始已有合理結論:這種合併通常不太可能對您不利(儘管在某些情況下,合併可能會對您不利,而在其他情況下,合併將對您有利),如果無法完成所有訂單,我們將優先按任何分配比例,滿足您和其他客戶的訂單;]
5.1.1 我們將按照我們收到訂單的順序 及其他可能不時發布的任何適用執行政策,公平地處理您和我們其他客戶的訂單。 我們可能會將您的訂單與其他客戶的訂單合併,前設是我們在初始已有合理結論:這種合併通常不太可能對您不利(儘管在某些情況下,合併可能會對您不利,而在其他情況下,合併將對您有利),如果無法完成所有訂單,我們將優先按任何分配比例,滿足您和其他客戶的訂單;]
[投資服務特別條款] [6.2] [Endowus將使用合理的努力來確保所有交易的最佳執行。在確保最佳執行時,我們的政策是考慮各種因素,包括交易的規模和類型,所涉及的市場的性質和特點,現有經紀人提供的佣金率,以及經紀人的執行經驗,誠信和財務責任。] [Endowus將使用合理的努力來確保所有交易的最佳執行。在確保最佳執行時,我們的政策 (可能不時在我們的網站上發布的)是考慮各種因素,包括交易的規模和類型,所涉及的市場的性質和特點,現有經紀人提供的佣金率,以及經紀人的執行經驗,誠信和財務責任。]