Important: Caution of impersonation / Telegram scams
It has recently come to our attention that unauthorised individuals or entities have been impersonating as personnel of Endowus Singapore Pte Ltd (“ Endowus”) via Telegram and inviting people to join group chats, to open Endowus accounts, and/or to carry on transactions through them. To clarify, Endowus does not send text messages to clients or any persons for such purposes and any account opening or investment transactions will only be carried out via the Endowus platform.Â
Please be cautious of fraudsters and avoid sharing your personal information or conducting any investment related transactions through such suspicious channels or platforms. If you have been approached by any individuals or entities claiming to represent Endowus for investment activities or if you have any doubts on their affiliation with Endowus, please immediately reach out to us to verify their authenticity by contacting us via our hotline (65) 3138 9167 Â or by sending an email to Â
If you suspect that you may have been scammed and therefore suffered any financial loss, we advise you to file a police report promptly.