Benjamin Kheng
Treasury management and institutional advisory services
Get daily liquidity with our cash management and customised investment solutions for corporates.
Invest in your future-you
Get expert-advised portfolios, customised to you. Invest towards all your life goals in just a few clicks.

Jackie Lee

Benjamin Kheng

Jackie Lee

Benjamin Kheng
Invest in exclusive institutional funds with dedicated advisory services
Our Investment Office will tailor a treasury management or investment solution that suits your company’s needs*.
Your company’s cash and investments are held in your own legal name with UOB Kay Hian, one of Asia's largest brokerage firms. Your assets are never commingled with Endowus or other entities’ assets.
You will be assigned a dedicated advisor to serve your account and provide ongoing advice and service.*
Endowus does not add a spread or take a cut for any FX charges, so you can convert currency cost efficiently.
Work your corporate cash harder while maintaining liquidity

Cash Fund

Cash Fund


Liquidity Fund
Meet our advisors
Our customised solutions for your organisational needs
Our client success story
Low, fair fees
Want to know more?
Our fees are inclusive of all custody, brokerage, transaction, rebalancing and advisory fees. There is no onboarding or account closing fee with our solutions.
Our minimum investment typically starts at $500,000. Please reach out to us so we can better understand your business needs.
Your firm’s net assets must exceed S$10,000,000 in value as determined by your most recent audited balance-sheet/ balance sheet, otherwise, your corporation’s entire share capital is owned by one or more persons, all of whom are accredited investors as defined in section 4A of the Securities and Futures Act.