Endowus Flagship Portfolios
Intelligent portfolios, customised to your wealth goals. Evidence-based investing is now effortless, and best of all — at a low, fair cost.

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And Endowus Client

HOW we do it better
Science over speculation - we do the work so you don't have to

At a glance
Grow your money like the best investors
We’ve screened thousands of funds. We handpick leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and track records. Then we access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios have equities allocations that are broadly diversified into over 10,000 global stocks through passive and systematic strategies that tilt towards the proven factors of higher expected returns such as value, size, and profitability. Fixed income allocations optimise exposure to the quality, term, and duration premiums through systematic and active but broadly diversified strategies with proven success.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
We stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
Cash/SRS Core Flagship portfolios tap on institutional share-class funds managed by Dimensional (a pioneer in evidence-based factor investing) and PIMCO (the largest global fixed income manager), as well as Vanguard’s passive index fund managed by Lion Global.
Science over speculation. Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, our portfolios are broadly diversified across geographies and sectors to achieve higher risk-adjusted return along the efficiency frontier, lowering idiosyncratic risk with the ability to outperform in the long-run.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios have strategic passive asset allocation with the equities providing broad market exposure that is diversified and passive in developed markets and diversified and more active in emerging markets, and fixed income allocations focused on higher quality debt instruments.
Evidence-based investing does not try to time the market. It requires a disciplined and systematic investment strategy so you have the highest probability of success in reaching each of your financial goals. Each of your goals should have its own SPAA based on its objective and risk tolerance.
Endowus does not believe in tactically or actively changing your allocations based on market conditions or economic indicators, and will not change your target asset allocation without your explicit consent.
Top-down, we believe that you asset allocation must be passive and broadly diversified so that you are rewarded for the risk you take by investing intelligently.
Stand on the shoulders of financial giants rather than try to reinvent the wheel.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like professional investors around the world.
These funds, some of which are exclusively available at Endowus, are carefully selected bottom-up to best represent your goal's top-down SPAA.
CPF Core Flagship portfolios tap on the leading global and local experts including Schroders, FSSA, Franklin Templeton, Eastspring, UOBAM, and Vanguard's passive index funds managed by Lion Global.
Endowus has worked hard to bring Vanguard-managed, passive index funds at the lowest cost achievable to CPF members, in order to attain globally diversified low-cost equities exposure. The Infinity 500 Stock Index Fund and the Global Stock Index Fund are both exclusively available to Endowus clients at the lowest cost in Singapore.
Low, fair fees
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Want to know more?
You may invest in the Endowus Flagship Solutions using Cash, SRS and/or CPF. Underlying funds in the portfolios may differ depending on which funding source is used.
Endowus Flagship Solutions are available for Cash, CPF and SRS investments. The portfolios may be different depending on the funding source.
Endowus uses an evidence-based approach in designing our portfolios. The aim of evidence-based investing is to give you the highest probability of success in growing your wealth over the long-term.
We analyse empirical data and time-tested academic evidence and apply this in a systematic manner during the portfolio creation and management process. Our diversified investment portfolios are focused on providing the highest possible expected return for a given risk level. We also tilt the allocations to capture those factors identified by academic research that can enhance the return profile of a broad market exposure portfolio.
Our Office continuously scans the investment universe for products that will improve the risk-return tradeoff of our portfolios and that will reduce the cost of investing for our customers. Where appropriate and optimal, recommendations are made to update the Flagship portfolios so that you are always investing efficiently through us.
We have designed Endowus to be a goal-based investing platform, where you can invest your Cash, CPF and SRS holistically towards personal life goals, such as saving for children's education, retirement. When you invest with a defined purpose of achieving a certain goal, you can better identify how much you need to invest, the right investment strategy, and the appropriate level of risk to take to get you there.
After you have defined and set your goals, you will do a short survey online to determine your risk tolerance. Our platform utilises a risk tolerance threshold when recommending the Flagship Portfolios to clients.
Risk tolerance on the Endowus platform is understood as the worst drawdown (loss of value) in any rolling 12-month period. We analyse and continually update the historical performance of the funds in our portfolios for the past 15 years, including the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, to determine each portfolio’s worst 12-month rolling drawdown. We believe that this is a highly conservative approach because if you can hold your portfolio over a longer period of time, the risk of a large drawdown declines substantially.
At Endowus, we want to help you succeed, which is why we prioritise matching you with a portfolio whose volatility or short-term loss is within your personal stated limit. Our platform will recommend the portfolio with the highest expected return for your stated risk tolerance.
By investing in a risk-appropriate portfolio, investors are much more likely to stay the course through the near-term ups and downs – giving you the highest chance of reaching your investment goals.