Why invest with Endowus
Endowus Insights

Why invest with Endowus

Oct 2024
Mar 2023
What sets Endowus apart from other robo-advisors in Singapore: low, fair fees; investing with cash, CPF, or SRS; evidence-based strategies; best-in-class unit trusts; and personalised, expert advice
  • Grow your wealth and reach your goals effortlessly with evidence-based strategies.
  • Stand on the shoulders of financial giants — access best-in-class unit trusts at a low, fair, and transparent fee.
  • Invest with cash, CPF, or SRS. Start investing towards your goals from just $1,000.
  • Get personalised, expert advice from our MAS-licensed client advisors. 
  • To get started with Endowus, click here.

Here's how to get started with investing

Investing is not just for the experts. Many of those who have not begun their investment journeys might find it daunting. That’s because there are often misconceptions that extensive skills and huge amounts of capital are always required, or that all types of investments carry high risks.

But there are in fact many low-risk options, and you can choose from a plethora of investments depending on your risk appetite, time horizon, financial goals, and budget.

As life gets more expensive, just saving alone will not be sufficient to beat high inflation. That’s where investing comes in — it enables you to grow your money in the long run, so that you can preserve or even increase your purchasing power. Investing also lets us participate in the power of the markets; for instance, with stocks, you can share in the profits that companies generate.

Investing can be accessible, simple, fair, and come with low costs. Your returns can be significant even if you start with small amounts, thanks to compound interest.

Whether you are a student with no investing experience and little capital, a working adult growing your long-term wealth, a young parent planning ahead for your family, or a retiree looking for passive income, there is something for everyone at Endowus — from novice to professional investors looking to grow their wealth sustainably.

Here’s what sets us apart from other robo-advisors and fund distributors in Singapore.

At Endowus, wealth management for everyone — be it with cash, CPF, or SRS

Our range of investment solutions are designed to organise and grow your wealth, whether you’re investing towards your essential financial goals, seeking passive income, growing your cash with higher yields, or looking for exposure to select market opportunities. You can also customise your own portfolio by buying your favourite funds.

Individuals get institutional access to high-performing funds at lower costs. Previously, retail investors — individual, non-professional investors like most Singaporeans — were not able to invest in the cheaper class of funds, known as the institutional share-class. But not anymore — you can now invest in institutional share-class funds, some exclusively on Endowus, starting from just $1,000.

Lowest possible, fair and transparent fees

The all-in Endowus Fee is a per-annum fee based on the value of assets you hold with Endowus. We do not charge a sales fee, transaction fee, or any other hidden fees, unlike other platforms. You also get 100% Cashback on all commissions, known as trailer fees — as of January 2023, we have returned more than S$6 million in these fund-distributor commissions to customers since inception. Unlike other platforms, we do not collect trailer fees, which eat into your returns and wrongly incentivise other advisors and platforms to sell certain funds that may not be suitable for you. This reduces our costs to a fraction of the industry average, which then translates to better returns for you in the long term.

For more information on our transparent fee structure, click here.

Digital platform with a human touch

Get personalised, expert advice for your goals. Our client advisors have years of experience advising clients from all walks of life, including first-time investors, professionals, and business owners. They are licensed with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), and are here to help so you can achieve your goals. We are a digital platform, but one with a human touch. 

Invest like an expert with best-in-class products 

Endowus takes a curated approach to our fund selections and portfolio construction. We only use best-in-class unit trusts, also known as mutual funds, as the building blocks for our portfolios. These unit trusts have been identified as the most suitable for Singapore investors and allow you to be exposed to the markets in the most cost-efficient way — even relative to exchange-traded funds (ETFs) — as they are SGD-denominated. 

The Investment Office is constantly on the hunt for lower-cost alternatives for our advised portfolios. When such funds are screened and found, we initiate a recommended portfolio change so investors can enjoy lower costs, thereby improving their returns. 

Rigorous fund-selection process

The Endowus Investment Office is a team of investment experts with over 150 years of experience combined, across public and private market investing, family offices, and wealth management. The team screens the universe of unit trusts, also known as mutual funds, and curates a final list by implementing a strict, institutional-grade screening process that is rigorous, thorough, and continuous. The process vets funds across categories to bring you only those that are best-in-class, and the team monitors the funds regularly in terms of performance.

Backed by science, not speculation

Evidence-based investing means using time-tested, research-backed strategies to reach your goals. We advocate passive and systematic strategies that have broad diversification implemented by professionals — diversifying your investments means allocating your money across different asset classes, industries, countries, and other categories.

Our performance figures for advised portfolios are transparently updated and shared as well on a monthly basis.


The Endowus core portfolios are broadly diversified across thousands of equities, countries, and fixed-income products. Diversification is critical to long-term investor success. Simply put, it brings to mind the proverb: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” 

By diversifying, the aim is to decrease overall risk and increase returns by spreading out your money. Limiting exposure to any single asset or category helps to mitigate risk in the event that one of them experiences a significant loss in value. Asset classes have their own cycles, and some can react very differently from others; when one asset class is generating strong returns, another may be performing poorly. For example, bond prices tend to move up when stock prices fall. Gold prices usually increase when the US dollar weakens.

Strategic and broadly passive

Endowus espouses an investment framework that we call strategic passive asset allocation (SPAA). Depending on your risk tolerance, the allocations to different asset classes, geography or factors are customised individually into core portfolios. It is also passive in implementation — meaning we do not tactically or actively change your allocations in a short-term, opportunistic way based on market conditions or economic indicators.

The SPAA strategy for core portfolios such as the Flagship Portfolio means that they largely track global indices over time, and they have largely withstood major market movements since inception.

Seamless investing

Endowus is the first and only digital wealth platform to allow Singaporeans to invest with their cash, CPF, or SRS — on an all-in-one platform. 

You get a seamless, one-stop platform to channel your money from your main funding sources to investments — be they in advised portfolios, or in the hundreds of single funds available on our platform. Endowus is also the first CPF digital advisor in Singapore, and we introduced the first passive index-tracking fund into the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS).

It’s easy to start investing

Just beginning your investment journey? You can start investing on Endowus from just $1,000. Subsequent investments are at a minimum of $100. And when setting up a core portfolio, you can select your risk tolerance, and we will suggest a portfolio that suits you.

If you wish to make regular investments or do dollar-cost averaging, you can easily set up and manage an automatic, recurring monthly contribution from your cash, CPF, or SRS account. You can also transfer money from one investment goal to another, without any additional fees.

There are no lock-ups and no penalties for early withdrawals when you invest with us.

Safety and double-ledger security

Your money is held securely and separately from ours, and always in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This means that you will always have full access to your assets no matter what happens to Endowus.

Our most popular solution: Flagship Portfolios

The Endowus Flagship Portfolios have been the most common start to our clients’ investment journeys. These portfolios are designed to be easily understood by both new and experienced investors, and are personalised for your goals across different life stages. They give broad market exposure through low-cost funds that target long-term outperformance. Our Flagship Portfolios have performed strongly against benchmarks and our competitors — we publish monthly and quarterly performance updates, and the historical returns are shown transparently on our website. You may invest in these portfolios using cash, CPF, or SRS.

Besides the Flagship Portfolios, you may consider our other investment solutions such as:

With Endowus, investing is now made simple, low-in-cost, and accessible for every season in life, investing goal, and risk appetite. Make time your biggest asset and begin your investing journey with Endowus today. To get started, click here.


‍Investment involves risk. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance or returns. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not get the full amount you invested. Rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to go up or down. Individual stock performance does not represent the return of a fund.

Any forward-looking statements, prediction, projection or forecast on the economy, stock market, bond market or economic trends of the markets contained in this material are subject to market influences and contingent upon matters outside the control of Endowus Singapore Pte. Ltd. (“Endowus”) and therefore may not be realised in the future. Further, any opinion or estimate is made on a general basis and subject to change without notice. In presenting the information above, none of Endowus, its affiliates, directors, employees, representatives or agents have given any consideration to, nor have made any investigation of the objective, financial situation or particular need of any user, reader, any specific person or group of persons. Therefore, no representation is made as to the completeness and adequacy of the information to make an informed decision. You should carefully consider (i) whether any investment views and products/ services are appropriate in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances. You may also wish to seek financial advice through a financial advisor or the Endowus platform and independent legal, accounting, regulatory or tax advice, as appropriate.

Investment into collective investment schemes: Please refer to respective funds’ prospectuses for details of the funds, their related fees, charges and risk factors. The listing of units of the fund on a stock exchange does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. Before making an investment decision, you are reminded to refer to the relevant prospectus for specific risk considerations.

For Cash Smart Secure, Cash Smart Enhanced, Cash Smart Ultra: It is not a bank deposit and not capital guaranteed, and is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investment products are not insured products under the provisions of the Deposit Insurance and Policy Owners Protection Schemes Act 2011 of Singapore and are not eligible for deposit insurance coverage under the Deposit Insurance Scheme. Interest rates are indicative and subject to change at any time.

Product Risk Rating: Please note that any product risk rating (the “PRR”) provided by us is an internal rating assigned based on our product risk assessment model, and is for your reference only. The PRR is subject to change from time to time. The PRR does not take into account your individual circumstances, objectives or needs and should not be regarded as advice or recommendation to purchase, hold or sell any fund or make any other investment decisions. Accordingly, you should not solely rely on the PRR in making your investment decision in the relevant Fund.

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What sets Endowus apart from other robo-advisors in Singapore: low, fair fees; investing with cash, CPF, or SRS; evidence-based strategies; best-in-class unit trusts; and personalised, expert advice

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