Invest towards your essential financial goals.
Globally diversified portfolios designed for your goals. These strategic passive asset allocations are expertly built & monitored, and optimised for risk-adjusted returns and low cost.
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Passive income solutions, for every stage of life
Receive monthly payouts of 3.5%-6.5% p.a. while growing or preserving your capital, through portfolios focused on income, dividends and stability.
Last updated Jun 2024. Figures do not include trailer fee rebates and Endowus Fee. Current payout targets are not guaranteed and are estimates only.
Gain exposure to select market opportunities.
Take advantage of optimised, best-in-class portfolios designed by Endowus to target specific regions, themes, asset classes, and megatrends.
Earn up to 2.8% - 3.9% p.a.* No lock-ups. No limits.
A new way to grow your cash with higher yields, no lock ups, no limits or tiers, no penalties, no hidden charges, no transfer limits and no fuss.
*Not guaranteed. Projected yield calculated as of 31 Jan 2025.
Cash Smart
Switch to Endowus and save up to 65% or more on your unit trust investments!
Transfers made through this process are free of charge, and as there is no selling of funds, you can remain invested in the market. Find out more here.
No sales charges. No transaction fees.
Enjoy hundreds to thousands of dollars in savings by making the transfer.
Or pick and choose your favourite funds from top-tier fund managers
A lower cost, more transparent, powerful fee-only fund platform at your fingertips.

All your wealth on one platform.
We’re proud to be the Singapore’s first digital advisor for CPF. We are here to help you be holistically invested for your future.
Other offerings

Private wealth & family offices
Personalised services and exclusive products for private clients investing S$1M+ with Endowus.

Institutional clients
Treasury management and institutional advisory services for charities, foundations, corporations, and more.

Corporate benefits
Empowering employers and employees through financial education and exclusive benefits on Endowus fees.
How we invest
An expert investment experience for all of us
Backed by the research of Nobel Laureate academics, we advocate broadly diversified, passive and systematic strategies that have global market exposure with tilts towards the proven factors of returns such as value, size, and profitability.
Endowus charges no sales fees or transaction fees. We also give 100% Cashback on all trailer fees we receive, whereas most financial institutions will charge you these fees or keep them for themselves. This way, we can provide you access to the best investment opportunities at a fraction of the industry average.
“The expense ratio is the most proven predictor of future fund returns.”
Morningstar Research.
We implement our portfolios by accessing leading global fund managers with the expertise, scale and real, proven track records in implementing their strategies successfully over time. We access their best-in-class funds at the lowest cost possible, so you grow your money like the best investors in the world.
Maximise returns by minimising cost: Removing the single biggest drag to portfolio performance over time
Enduring belief in power of markets: Taking broad market exposure through the wisdom of crowds to capture the best long-term performance
Time in markets vs market timing: Giving the long-term investor the highest chance of success in reaching their financial goals
Asset allocation is everything: Setting up an appropriate, intelligent asset allocation strategy is the most important driver of long-term returns
Strive for the efficient frontier: Generating the highest possible expected return for every level of risk taken
Diversification improves risk-return: Having broad exposure across diverse assets whose correlation characteristics reduce risk without sacrificing returns
Optimise based on personal risk tolerance: Customising personal portfolios is essential as there is no one size fits all in investing
Know your limitations: Partnering with experts and leading global institutions to access best in class financial solutions to achieve your goals
Portfolio performance, underlying funds & securities
Low, fair fees
Sign up in under 5 minutes.
Want to
know more?
Endowus is a holder of the Capital Markets Services (CMS) Licence by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (CMS license no. 101051), and is also an Exempt Financial Adviser under the Financial Advisors Act (Chapter 110) of Singapore.
When you open an account with Endowus, we also create a separate trust account in your name at UOB Kay Hian, one of Asia's largest brokerage firms. All your assets are custodised in a segregated account with UOB Kay Hian and held in your legal name. This trust account is specific to your Endowus-related investments only.
UOB Kay Hian is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and has a Capital Markets Services License to provide custodial services for securities.
We are always here to help! Please click here to find the different ways you can reach out to our team of licensed financial advisors.
We offer joint accounts for customers to invest their Cash through us. Please see here for instructions on opening a joint account.
SRS and CPF OA investments must be made via an individual Endowus account.
Absolutely. Email us at, and we will assist you with opening a corporate account with Endowus and UOB Kay Hian. Please note that corporate accounts have a minimum investment requirement of SGD 500,000.