Unit trust transfer
It’s easy to make the switch
Save up to 65%* on fees today
The more you save on fees, the better your net returns are. Consolidate your investments easily, without needing to sell your unit trust holdings.

Endowus Access Fee: 0.40%
Sales Fees: 0.50%–1.5%
Sales Fees: 0.8%–3%
Don’t let fees eat into your returns
Through Endowus, you get access to lower cost institutional share class funds, that are not easily accessible to retail investors, and are typically half the cost. Aside from those fee savings, Endowus also rebates a 100% Cashback on trailer fees, with 0% sales charges and 0% transaction fees, allowing us to bring costs down to the lowest achievable.
Illustration of fees saved for investments in three popular funds.
Fund name
Fees saved
per year (%)
Potential savings
over 30 year (SGD)*
For other funds and fee calculations, please reach out to support@endowus.com to enquire on the specific fund(s).
We currently only accept SGD cash funds. CPF or SRS funds are not eligible for transfer in.
We are currently unable to support transfer out of unit trusts from our platform, but we are working on a feature to support this. For more information, please refer to our FAQ page on unit trust transfers here.
SGD$ Amount
% fees saved per year
SGD$ saved per year
Total amount saved per year
IMPORTANT: All amounts reflected are estimates based on our comparisons between the share class we provide as well as the average fees charge by other providers.
Transfer your unit trusts in four simple steps
set up an
endowus account
Initiate the
transfer out process
exit and re-enter
the market when
transfer from
multiple different
from Endowus?
for Individuals or
for Corporates
transfer take?
in mind?
Still exploring? Discover 400+ best-in-class funds
Discover which funds are eligible to be transferred and how Endowus can help you save on your fees.
For funds not found, please reach out to support@endowus.com to enquire on the eligibility of your asset transfer.