Endowus Insights
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00:00 - Opening and intro by Steffanie Yuen, Managing Director and Head of Hong Kong at Endowus

08:30 - Penalists self-introduction

10:41 - Fireside Chat: China & HK Equity Markets: Poised for a Rebound in 2024?

45:45 - Q&A



受連串政策鼓勵及樂觀情緒帶動,截至 2024 年 5 月 20 日,MSCI 中國指數和恆生指數年初至今已分別上漲 15.8% 和 16.3%。在多重利好消息支撐下,包括國務院發布針對資本市場改革的指導性文件「國九條」、中國國有基金中央匯金投資擴大對交易所買賣基金(ETF)的投資範圍,以及北京近期對房地產政策有所放寬,不少投資者相繼從印度和日本等高估值市場轉向中港股市。


Endowus智安投將攜手香港證券及投資學會(HKSI Institute),誠邀您參加2024年6月12日(星期三)晚上6:30-8:30的投資講座,與世界知名基金經理安本資產管理(Abrdn)、安聯投資(Allianz Global Investors)及摩根資產管理(JP Morgan Asset Management)的專家們一同探討中港股市前景,從經濟指標、政策變化及市場情緒因素等方面了解潛在投資機會及其對投資組合的影響。活動將由Endowus智安投董事總經理及香港業務主管袁淇欣主持。


日期: 2024年6月12日(星期三)
時間:晚上6:30至8:30 (晚上6時開始登記)
地點:The Executive Centre 香港中環干諾道中1號友邦金融中心15樓

根據香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會指引,參與此活動或合資格獲得一小時的持續培訓 (CPT)時數,需經由閣下的僱主或內部合規部門批准。出席確認書將於活動結束後七個工作天內發出。參加者需要出席至少50 分鐘方可獲確認。



安本資產管理中國股票投資主管 姚鴻耀

Nicholas Yeo is the Head of Equities – China. Nicholas joined the company in 2000 via the acquisition of Murray Johnstone. He was seconded to the Global Emerging Market team in London for two years where he covered EMEA and Latin American companies, before returning to the Asian equities team in Singapore in March 2004. In March 2007, he transferred to Hong Kong to lead Chinese equity research.

Nicholas holds a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance from The University of Manchester and an MSc in Financial Mathematics from Warwick Business School. He is a CFA charterholder.

安聯投資高級產品專員 王曉欣

Tessa Wong is a Hong Kong-based product specialist with Allianz Global Investors. She joined the firm in 2017 and specializes in Greater China equity and Asian income strategies.

Tessa’s previous experience includes working at Citi and JP Morgan private bank, where she was the product manager overseeing the fund platform ranging from fixed income to multi asset and equity strategies.

Since joining Allianz Global Investors, Tessa has contributed significantly to the growth of the China A Shares and All China equity strategies and has also led the development of our Asia and China Income franchise.

Tessa has a Bachelor of Social Science in Economics and a minor in Finance from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and is also a CFA Charterholder.

摩根資產管理新興市場及亞太股票投資策略專家 陳智灝

Francesco Chan, vice president, is an Investment Specialist within the Emerging Markets and Asia Pacific Equities (EMAP) team, based in Hong Kong. An employee since 2015, he is responsible for portfolio management communications across institutional and distribution client relationships. He has over a decade of experience in the asset management industry and was a client account manager for the institutional business before assuming responsibilities as an Investment Specialist for EMAP Equities. Prior to JPMorgan, he was responsible for sales and business development at Bloomberg LP and GF International Investment Management. Francesco obtained a BSc in Management Sciences from London School of Economics.

智安投董事總經理及香港業務主管 袁淇欣

Steffanie Yuen is the Managing Director and Head of Hong Kong at Endowus, and is responsible for leading the firm’s business in the region.

Before joining Endowus, Steffanie was Managing Director at Value Partners and was responsible for leading the Group's Direct Distribution, Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations functions, as well as other key strategic growth initiatives. Prior to Value Partners, she was the Business Development and Strategic Partnerships Director at Alibaba's fintech affiliate Ant Group, where she was responsible for driving strategic collaborations and partnerships with international financial institutions and Ant's overseas e-wallet partners, which together serves over 1.2 billion annual active users globally.

Steffanie started her career in the investment banking divisions of Deutsche Bank and Barclays in Hong Kong and holds a BS in Finance and Accounting degree from New York University’s Stern School of Business. She is currently the Co-Chair of the WealthTech & InvestTech Committee of the Fintech Association of Hong Kong.

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