Largest asset manager in Europe
European leader in asset management¹, with 6 investment hubs in key international financial centers and offices in over 35 countries

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Amundi is a global top 10 asset manager and Europe’s largest player. With its six international investment hubs (Boston, Dublin, London, Milan, Paris and Tokyo), financial and extra-financial research capabilities and long-standing commitment to responsible investment, Amundi is a key player in the asset management landscape.
Clients benefit from the expertise and advice of 5,400 employees in more than 35 countries. A subsidiary of the Crédit Agricole group and listed on the stock exchange, Amundi currently manages more than US$ 2 trillion of assets².
As the first non-American player in the top 10 ranking, we bring our expertise from our deep experience and proven capabilities:
- No. 1 in France³
- Top 3 in Italy⁴ and Austria⁵
- A premier international player in Germany⁶
Responsible Leader
As of end of December 2022, Amundi has USD 911.45 billion of assets under management in responsible investment.
¹ Source: IPE “Top 500 Asset Managers” published in June 2022 and based on AUM as at December 2021
² Amundi figures as of December 31, 2022
³ SIX Financial Information, open-ended funds under French law, December 2022
⁴ Source: Assogestioni as of August 2022
⁵ Source: VÖIG as of December 2022
⁶ Source: BVI as of December 2022
Amundi is the World’s Largest Responsible Investment Asset Manager. Pioneering in responsible investment as one of our founding pillars, with our first ethical fund launched in 1989, we are a recognised global leader with over US$900 billion in responsible investments. With one of the largest ESG teams of 40 dedicated employees, that also covers analysis of 13,500 issuers.
As a customer-focused company, we are uniquely positioned to provide high quality services to over 100 million retail, institutional and government organisations worldwide.
Comprehensive range of expertise with the ability to provide tailor-made solutions:
1. Active management: No. 2 in Europe*
2. Liquidity solutions: No. 3 in Europe in money market funds*
3. Structured solutions: No. 2in Europe in guaranteed products*
4. Passive management & Smart Beta: No. 2 in Europe in ETF*
* Source: Amundi as at end December 2022, Broadridge (open-ended funds marketed in Europe, excl. mandates, dedicated funds and EMTNs), ETFGI (for ETFs as at end June 2022), Bloomberg as at end June 2022