Singapore fixed deposit and money market funds: Grow your idle cash (Mar 2025)
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Singapore fixed deposit and money market funds: Grow your idle cash (Mar 2025)

Mar 2025
Mar 2025
Singapore fixed deposit rates and cash yields: Grow your cash

Best options to grow your short-term cash savings in Singapore

The US Federal Reserve has lowered the fed funds rate from its recent high with three rate cuts in this cycle already. It is anticipated that further rate cuts will follow, with the Fed chair Jerome Powell signalling it to be at a slower pace. 

If you are seeking to earn yields on your idle cash while interest rates remain above 4%, continue reading to discover the distinctions between money market funds, bank fixed deposits, and Singapore T-bills. Find out which option is most suitable for you.

Overview of best fixed deposit rates in Singapore (Mar 2025)

Commitment Best fixed deposit rates Minimum deposit requirement
The best 12-month fixed deposit rate 2.70% p.a. S$500, Over the counter at branch
The best 6-month fixed deposit rate 2.90% p.a. S$20,000, Over the counter at branch
The best 3-month fixed deposit rate 2.75% p.a. S$500 via mobile banking

Source: Bank websites, rates accurate as of 5 March 2025. Bank deposits capital guaranteed by SDIC.

Overview of yields earned on money market funds available on Endowus

Commitment Best cash yields* Minimum deposit requirement
No lock-ins 3.24% p.a. for SGD
5.14% p.a. for USD

(Individual money market fund and liquidity fund options on Endowus - as seen in the table below)
No minimum, no maximums
No lock-ins, diversified portfolio 2.7%-3.0% p.a (Endowus Cash Smart Secure) No minimum, no maximums
2.1%-3.4% p.a (Endowus Cash Smart Enhanced)
3.5%-3.8% p.a. (Endowus Cash Smart Ultra)

Note: Cash yields on money market funds and capital are not guaranteed. Data as of 1 March 2025.

What is a money market fund?

A money market fund is a mutual fund that invests in high-quality, short-term debt instruments and cash equivalents. These investments typically include Treasury bills (T-bills), commercial paper, and certificates of deposit (CDs), which are known for their liquidity and low risk. Money market funds are designed to offer investors a relatively low-risk place to invest easily accessible cash while earning a modest return. 

What are fixed deposits and what do the rates mean?

A fixed deposit is an interest-bearing bank account that has a pre-set maturity date, meaning it can only be withdrawn after the predetermined set duration. For instance, if the fixed deposit rate in Singapore is stipulated to be 3.40% for a period of 3 months, it means that the deposited cash in the account will earn an interest rate of 3.40% per annum, pro-rata to 3 months’ value and can only be withdrawn after 3 months, subject to bank deposit withdrawal policy and penalty.

What are Singapore T-bills?

Singapore Treasury bills (T-bills) are short-term Singapore Government Securities (SGS) which are sold for less than their nominal or face value. When T-bills mature, investors receive the full face value, earning the difference as interest (ie. T-bills interest rate). The two different types of T-bills issued by the government are 6 months and 1 year, respectively. 

Latest market commentary (Mar 2025)

US President Donald Trump announced 25% tariffs on goods from Mexico and Canada, which took effect on 4 March, along with an additional 10% duty on Chinese goods bringing the total amount of new tariffs on China to 20%. 

Tariffs on imports could further limit cuts to interest rates in 2025, as they are expected to raise prices for consumers, while retaliatory tariffs and strategic decisions from firms may complicate the economic outlook and interest rate trajectory.

Speaking of surging prices, the 10-year Treasury yield edged higher as tariffs went into effect. The widening difference between the 10- and 2-year notes bears watching. As longer-dated yields are rising faster, the bear steepener can be a sign inflation is on the rise.

Last month, the Fed officials said they largely believe the progress in lowering inflation will resume this year, and have now put rates on hold as they await data to confirm it. The committee stated that they will continue to monitor the economic outlook, with their goals holding steady with supporting employment and returning inflation to 2%.

The March meeting is the second of the eight FOMC meetings in 2025 and the Fed has left interest rates unchanged at 4.25 - 4.50%. The next policy meeting will be held on 7 May, with the futures market currently indicating an 84% probability of the current interest rates being maintained, as seen on CME Group as of 20 March, while 40% of traders believe Fed funds rates will sit 25 bps lower after the May meeting.

Money market funds in Singapore: What are your possible next moves?

Depending on your risk tolerance and investment objectives, a list of cash management or liquidity funds is available on our Fund Smart platform for you to earn more on the value of your cash. Or, you can consider our diversified Cash Smart Portfolios that allow you to earn yields. Either way, there are no penalties on fund or portfolio redemptions.

More importantly, enjoy daily liquidity for full flexibility. The money market funds on the Endowus platform are well diversified and enable you to take advantage of high yields in the current environment while minimising concentration risks to single issuers.

We have these solutions available in SGD, USD, and other major currencies. With Endowus, you can invest in funds and advised portfolios using Cash, CPF, or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS) savings. Endowus also has corporate cash solutions, which you can find out more about here.

Net yields as of 1 March 2025 now range from 2.03% to 3.24% p.a. for  SGD cash management funds and 3.99% to 5.14% p.a. for USD cash funds available on the Endowus platform.

  1. No penalties on fund or portfolio redemptions. Enjoy daily liquidity for full flexibility. 
  2. Well-diversified, minimising concentration risks to single issuers

Read more: What is a money market fund?

These solutions are available in SGD, USD, and other major currencies. With Endowus, you can invest in funds and advised portfolios using Cash, CPF, or SRS (Supplementary Retirement Scheme) savings. Endowus also has corporate cash solutions, which you can find out more about here.

Cash management solutions on the Endowus platform

Here are the key money market or liquidity funds available on the Endowus platform:

Fund name Gross yield1 Net yield1 YTD returns2 2024 returns 2023 returns 2022 returns AUM3 Credit quality4 Duration4 (days)
Fullerton SGD Cash Fund
ISIN: SG9999005961
2.89% 2.61% 0.48% 3.60% 3.89% 1.68% SGD 6.73bn N/A (fund primarily invests in bank deposits) 60
LionGlobal SGD Money Market Fund
ISIN: SG9999002760
3.55% 3.23% 0.50% 3.64% 3.46% 1.34% SGD 1.67bn A+ 106
United SGD Money Market Fund
ISIN: SG9999017297
2.38% 2.03% 0.47% 3.49% 3.66% 1.28% SGD 503m AAA 41
LionGlobal SGD Enhanced Liquidity Fund
ISIN: SG9999019301
3.58% 3.24% 0.50% 3.67% 2.68% 1.49% SGD 1.31bn A+ 128
LionGlobal SGD Liquidity Fund
ISIN: SGXZ99674251
3.55% 3.24% 0.48% 3.61% 3.52% 1.37% SGD 1.82bn N/A (fund primarily invests in treasuries & bank deposits) 29
Amundi Cash USD Fund
ISIN: LU0568621618
5.75% 5.14% 0.68% 5.18% 5.32% 1.55% USD 4.39bn A+ 62
Fullerton USD Cash Fund
ISIN: SGXZ99103178
4.50% 3.99% 0.71% 5.35% 5.08% 1.40% USD 863m N/A (fund primarily invests in bank deposits) 53

Gross yield and net yield are the latest available data as of 1 March 2025. Net yield is after deducting fund-level fees and Endowus access fee (15 bps. Note that the fee increase will be effective 1 May 2024), and adding back rebates. The Endowus Fee is subject to GST from 1 April 2023 onwards. Source: Endowus Research, respective fund managers
Note 2: Returns are net of fund-level fees, but do not reflect Endowus access fee and rebates. The Endowus Fee is subject to GST from 1 April 2023 onwards. Source: Endowus Research, Morningstar.
Note 3: Assets under management (AUM) as of 3 March 2025 for Fullerton, Amundi and UOBAM funds, and 31 January 2025 for LionGlobal funds. Source: Morningstar.
Note 4: Credit quality and duration data are latest available as of 1 March 2025. Source: Respective fund managers.

As with all investments, investors are reminded that putting your money into money market or liquidity funds come with some degree of risk, and that the capital and yield is not guaranteed. If you do not wish to be subject to the risk of capital loss, we recommend you to consider capital-protected vehicles such as bank deposits, or government-backed instruments such as Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) and Treasury bills (T-bills). To find out more about each fund’s historical track record, click on the fund names above.

Bond yields vs returns — what’s the difference?

Many of the cash management funds highlighted above invest primarily in fixed-income securities, which include bonds. 

Simply put, fixed-income securities are debt instruments. An investor lends money to the issuer (basically, the borrower), and in return the investor receives coupons — or interest payments — on a regular basis. Entities that issue bonds include governments and corporations.

By investing your money in a fund that includes fixed-income securities, you are essentially lending your money to the issuers that the fund management company has chosen based on its analysis.

Here are quick definitions of yields and returns in this context:

  • Yields: These refer to the payouts — that is, the interest payments — generated by a fixed-income security. Yields are based on the total annualised future returns that you would have received by the end of the security’s tenor (i.e. reflecting all the payments you would’ve received by maturity).
  • Returns: These are generated by the increase or decrease in the value of a fixed-income security during the lifespan of the security. Returns are based on what you would have already earned up to the present day if you were to sell the security today.

A fundamental difference between yields and returns lies in the timeframe.

To illustrate this, let’s use a simple example of a one-year bond. You invest $1,000, which is the principal amount, in the bond of Company X and the company promises to repay this sum plus 5% interest (yield) at the end of one year. After a year, you would have earned a 5% return in total. 

In other words, as long as (i) you hold your fixed-income security until it matures, and (ii) the borrower does not default on the debt — the yield is very likely to be the total return you will earn. This is why yields are important in assessing the implied future return of cash management funds (and even longer-duration fixed-income funds).

This scenario, of the yield equating to the return, changes when you choose to trade the bond. 

Let’s say the same Company X runs into financial difficulties. You’re not willing to stomach the increased risk of the company failing to repay the principal by the maturity date or missing the interest payment. Therefore, you decide to sell your bond investment in the secondary market. There, you are quoted a trading price that will mean you sell the bond at less than the principal of $1,000. If we assume this sum to be $900, that means you incur a loss of $100 or a return of -10%.

In other words:

  • You would care about the “return” if you trade the fixed-income security before it matures.
  • The value of fixed-income securities is subject to various factors, including the financials of the companies, or even the broader market environment. Put simply, this value is what you will get if you choose to sell the security to a third party.
  • This value changes on a daily basis, and is reflected as the returns.

Comparing fixed deposits, T-bills, SSBs, and cash management funds

The world of cash management spans a wide variety of yield enhancement products. Investors in Singapore who are looking for a higher interest rate may turn to fixed deposits from Singapore banks, Singapore government Treasury bills (T-bills), Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs), or unit trusts, for example.

However, it is important for investors to have a clear understanding of the pros and cons of each of these instruments — they often come with trade-offs involving yield, lock-ups, duration, minimum or maximum investment amounts, and transaction fees. 

And if you’re looking to invest your CPF Ordinary Account (OA) savings, bear in mind that not all cash management products are available for OA investments.

The table below shows key details about Singapore fixed deposits, T-bills, SSBs, and cash management unit trusts on the Endowus platform, including the latest available information on their yields (as of the time of writing). For fixed deposits, please note that the range of current yields should be taken as a guide only, given that fixed deposit interest rates in Singapore change frequently.

Type of instrument Fixed deposits Singapore government Treasury bills (T-bills) Singapore Savings Bonds (SSBs) Cash management funds on Endowus
Capital guarantee Yes, by SDIC No, but backed by sovereign rating No, but backed by sovereign rating No
Current yields (p.a.) 1.75% to 2.90%^ (estimated, as of 1 Mar 2025) 2.56% (6-month T-bill, 13 Mar 2025 auction) 1-year interest rate: 2.83%
10-year average return p.a.: 3.15% (Mar 2025 tranche)
2.03% to 5.14% (as of 1 Mar 2025)
Yield type Fixed; depends on the bank Auctioned; may be higher or lower than benchmark Fixed; announced monthly Floating; rises when market rate goes up
Lock-up Yes; penalty for early withdrawal Can be sold, but at high cost and low liquidity Yes; no early withdrawal penalty, but will generate lower yield No
Duration Months or years 6 months or 1 year 10 years Less than 1 year
Application time Days Up to 14 days before auction + 3 days after auction Up to 1 month before allotment; redemption takes at least 1 week Days
Minimum investment Yes; depends on the bank $1,000 minimum, in increments of $1,000 $500 minimum, in increments of $500 Existing investors: $100
New investors: $1,000
Maximum investment None Non-competitive bids are capped at $1 million per auction $200,000 None
Transaction fees None $2 per transaction + $2.50 quarterly fees for CPF OA $2 per transaction None

^As fixed deposit interest rates change frequently, this range should be taken as an illustrative guide only. Readers are advised to check the most updated rates with the relevant financial institutions.
Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore, Endowus Research. Note: SDIC refers to the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation.

The smart and flexible way to earn more on your cash

Looking to build your own investment portfolio? The Fullerton SGD Cash Fund, with a net yield of 2.61% p.a.*, could be a great addition depending on your risk tolerance and investment objectives. You can add it to your portfolio by following these steps. 

Depending on your investment objectives and risk tolerance, Cash Smart Secure is another good option, with projected yields ranging between 2.8% and 3.1% p.a**. Cash Smart Enhanced is available as well for investors who are willing to take more risk relative to the Cash Smart Secure solution. Critically, Endowus offers our cash management solutions at fees of 0.15%^ (as of 1 May 2024), making our offerings highly competitive for your low-risk investments. This is on top of our longstanding practice to rebate any trailer fees back to our clients. Learn more about our Cash Smart offerings here.

Make your cash work smarter for you. If you have money set aside for an upcoming expense, earn higher returns on it instead of letting it sit idle in your current or savings account. To get started with Endowus, click here. 

Read more:

*As of 1 March 2025. Net yield after deducting fund-level fees and Endowus access fee, and adding back rebates. Note: The Endowus Fee is subject to GST from 1 April 2023 onwards. Source: Endowus Research, Fullerton Fund Management.

**As of 1 March 2025. Net yield after deducting fund-level fees and Endowus access fee, and adding back rebates. Note: The Endowus Fee is subject to GST from 1 April 2023 onwards. Source: Endowus Research, Fullerton Fund Management, Lion Global Investors.

^ Cash management solutions charge a fee of 0.15% effective 1 May 2024.

Singapore fixed deposit rates and cash yields: Grow your cash

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