What you can learn from CPF Yearly Statement of Account 2022
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What you can learn from CPF Yearly Statement of Account 2022

Sep 2022
Jan 2022

Compared to CPF’s 2021 Yearly Statement of Account (YSOA), the 2022 version has more personalised insights on how you can grow and manage your CPF monies. With CPF's latest site revamp which includes a more user-friendly frequently asked questions section, it has never been easier to learn how to manage your CPF savings easily.

How to log in to CPF Yearly Statement of Account

There are two ways to log in to the YSOA.

  1. Through your CPF account, which has a link out to the Yearly Statement of Account
  2. Through a specific SingPass login, where you can click on to YSOA “under my CPF” banner

Personalised insights from CPF YSOA

How much you can CPF top-up and transfer you can make

In the first tab, you can find out more about your current CPF balances, which can be interesting for you to know your CPF balance across different CPF accounts. The key takeaway is found in the link out, showing how much you can top-up into CPF. Given that CPF top-ups reached record highs in 2021, it would be prudent to find out how you can use CPF effectively in 2022.

Balance of CPF accounts

How to get to find out more about CPF top-ups

You can find out how much you can top-up to CPF across different loved-ones’ accounts (such as siblings, parents, grandparents and in-laws), and also for yourself. These top-up limits take into account your Basic Healthcare Sum limits and Full Retirement Sum limits. The information is supplemented with links to various CPF FAQs and also an update on the latest CPF changes.

Through these FAQs, you can easily understand how you can get higher interest and tax relief with CPF top-ups.

Learn more: CPF changes in 2022

Learn more: How to grow your CPF with Endowus

Finding out more about CPF top ups

How much CPF withdrawals and deposits you have made in 2021

Any CPF inflows or outflows in 2021 are helpfully summarised in the YSOA into categories such as housing, retirement, healthcare and others. Within each category, there are further breakdowns.

Inflow and Outflow of CPF

CPF contributions are mainly from your mandatory contributions as an employee, personal voluntary top-ups, or mandatory contributions from employers as part of your compensation. Any interest or grants from the government also form part of your CPF contributions. As you grow older, mandatory CPF contributions from employment are reduced, and you potentially will get more interest from the government as your CPF balance increases.

For CPF withdrawals, housing withdrawals are further segmented to CPF OA monies withdrawn for downpayment, mortgage payments and stamp duties. Retirement withdrawals include CPF LIFE premiums, monthly payout from your Retirement Account, and even top-ups to loved ones CPF accounts. Healthcare usage includes medical insurance premiums such as Medishield Life and Careshield Life premiums, as well as any Medisave monies withdrawn for medical expenses. Other withdrawals include those from CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS) and Dependant’s Protection Scheme premiums.

Learn more: Plan for your retirement withdrawals using Endowus CPF Calculator

CPF transactions

Note you can still see historical transactions on other Yearly Statement of Account. Also, be mindful that as digital copies of CPF transactions are limited up to 15 months for monthly breakdowns, and 10 years for the YSOA, you should save your transaction details in case of future reference.

Personalised messages for you

You also get personalised statements on your CPF nomination and CPF-related insurance coverage, such as Dependant Protection Scheme, Eldershield and CareShield Life.

Learn more: How to invest your CPF-OA

Simple CPF statement to better understand your CPF

The YSOA by CPF is an easy way for any CPF member to take charge of their own finances. As a total social security scheme, CPF members are able to have their insurance, retirement needs, home ownership and healthcare needs covered by CPF. Be sure to go through it to learn more about what you can do with your CPF.

Here are more resources from the CPF website:

Next on the Endowus Fin.Lit Academy

Read the next article in the curriculum: What's the CPF Retirement Account? Before you hit 55 years old, here's what to know about CPF


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