Endowus Fund Smart Highlights 2022 — Year in Review
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Endowus Fund Smart Highlights 2022 — Year in Review

Mar 2025
Jan 2023
Endowus Investment Office Fund Digest - 2022 Fund Smart Highlights - Most popular and selected new funds
  • Retail investors can now choose from 221 best-in-class funds on the Fund Smart platform — an increase of 53 funds from the year before.
  • Crowd favourites for the year included a low-cost passive fixed-income solution from Amundi, index-tracking funds from the LionGlobal Infinity series, and a commodities fund by PIMCO.
  • Looking for new funds to invest in? Check out the likes of the iShares Developed World Index Fund, the JP Morgan Income Fund, and the Goldman Sachs Global Millennials Equity Portfolio Fund.
  • Invest in top-rated funds at a low cost on Fund Smart. To get started with Endowus, click here. 

Fund Smart highlights 2022 — year in review

In 2022, we introduced 53 new funds on the Endowus Fund Smart platform. That brought the total to 221 best-in-class funds across 396 share classes of various currencies and distribution features to suit your investment needs. For a quick overview in a single glance, refer to our investment funds list.

We also added 13 new alternatives funds, across asset classes such as private credit, private equity, and more — available only to accredited investors. For more information on opting in to become an accredited investor or to explore the options available to them, please contact us for a consultation.

Endowus takes a unique path in curating best-in-class funds. The Investment Office selects these funds by implementing a strict, institutional-grade screening process that is rigorous, thorough, and continuous — we call this proprietary framework SMART+.

Looking for more investing ideas to build your own portfolio? Check out the following curated new funds across asset classes such as commodities, fixed income, and ESG (environmental, social, and governance). We’ve also put together a list of funds that saw the highest net inflows from investors on the Fund Smart platform over the past year.


Most popular funds on Endowus Fund Smart

Most popular funds on Endowus Fund Smart in 2022

Here’s a look at the funds that were the most in-demand* among investors on the Fund Smart platform during 2022, across equities, fixed income, commodities, and more.


Rank Fund name Fund-level fees after Cashback^ Funding source
1 LionGlobal Infinity US S&P 500 Stock Index Fund 0.335% Cash, CPF, SRS
2 Amundi Prime USA Fund 0.050% Cash, SRS
3 Dimensional Global Core Equity Fund 0.260% Cash, SRS
4 LionGlobal Infinity Global Stock Index Fund 0.445% Cash, CPF, SRS
5 First Sentier FSSA Dividend Advantage Fund 1.110% Cash, SRS

^Fund-level fees after Cashback on trailer fees. The fund-level fee, or total expense ratio (TER), is charged by the fund manager. If there are trailer fees paid by the fund managers to Endowus, we give you 100% Cashback on the trailer fees. Endowus does not charge a preliminary sales charge or any other additional fees, other than the all-in Endowus Fee.

Endowus clients continued to see merit in adopting a broadly diversified, low-cost investment strategy. The passive, index-tracking funds from the LionGlobal Infinity series and Amundi were especially useful in serving this purpose — in addition to the funds also being eligible for CPF investments. Dimensional’s flagship global core equity fund, which uses a systematic, factor-based process, also made it among the top contenders.

Amid challenging market conditions, funds with a yield and value focus also appealed to clients, as seen in the popularity of the First Sentier FSSA Dividend Advantage Fund during the year.

Fixed income

Rank Fund name Fund-level fees after Cashback^ Funding source
1 Fullerton SGD Cash Fund 0.100% Cash, SRS
2 PIMCO GIS Income Fund 0.550% Cash, SRS
3 Amundi Index Global Agg 500m Fund 0.100% Cash, SRS
4 UOBAM United SGD Fund 0.340% Cash, CPF, SRS
5 LionGlobal SGD Money Market Fund 0.175% Cash, SRS

^Fund-level fees after Cashback on trailer fees. The fund-level fee, or total expense ratio (TER), is charged by the fund manager. If there are trailer fees paid by the fund managers to Endowus, we give you 100% Cashback on the trailer fees. Endowus does not charge a preliminary sales charge or any other additional fees, other than the all-in Endowus Fee.

In the fixed income space, flight to safety was an emergent theme — a testament to the challenging macroeconomic environment. Given this, money-market and short-duration bond funds made an unusual appearance on the list for 2022.

All-time favourites such as the PIMCO GIS Income Fund as well as a low-cost passive solution from Amundi appealed to investors seeking a core fixed-income investment.

Others — multi-asset, commodities, and more

Rank Fund name Fund-level fees after Cashback^ Funding source
1 AllianzGI Income and Growth Fund (Dist) 0.925% Cash, SRS
2 PIMCO GIS Commodity Real Return Fund 0.902% Cash, SRS
3 First Sentier Bridge Fund (Dist) 0.725% Cash, CPF, SRS

^Fund-level fees after Cashback on trailer fees. The fund-level fee, or total expense ratio (TER), is charged by the fund manager. If there are trailer fees paid by the fund managers to Endowus, we give you 100% Cashback on the trailer fees. Endowus does not charge a preliminary sales charge or any other additional fees, other than the all-in Endowus Fee.

Income and dividend again defined demand for multi-asset funds, with the crowd favourites from AllianzGI and First Sentier dominating the podium in this category for the year. The PIMCO Commodity Fund, buoyed by the commodities rally in 2022 and the resulting stellar performance, saw good inflow from Endowus clients as well. This once again demonstrated the importance of diversification.

*Note: The most popular funds were determined based on the net inflows on Endowus Fund Smart in the one-year period between 1 Jan 2022 and 31 Dec 2022. This analysis excludes in/outflows through the Endowus advised portfolios, and only includes funds available through retail SGD share classes to best represent an average Endowus client.


Upgrading Flagship Portfolios with Amundi low-cost passive funds

Savings, piggy bank - low cost index funds - Endowus recommended portfolio change

In 2022, Endowus introduced two Amundi low-cost passive index funds to both the equities and fixed income components of the Flagship Portfolios, as part of our latest recommended portfolio change (RPC).

These two funds included the Amundi Prime USA Fund — now the lowest-cost US index fund available to Singapore retail investors.

The changes, if taken up, mean a closer and passive tracking of the benchmark indices. Crucially, this switch lowers costs for clients. 

To find out more details and how you can benefit from the lower fees and better long-term results, refer to this article or watch the webinar replay.


Spotlight on new funds introduced in 2022

Spotlight on new funds added in 2022

Looking for new funds to invest in? Here are some funds added to the Fund Smart platform during 2022.

Fund name Return* Fund-level fees
after Cashback^
Ninety One Global Natural Resources Fund 19.9% 1.26%
PIMCO GIS Commodity Real Return Fund 9.3% 0.90%
Fixed income:
JP Morgan Income Fund -8.5% 0.77%
Amundi Prime USA Fund -22.4% 0.05%
Amundi Index Global Agg 500m Fund -11.5% 0.10%
BlackRock iShares Developed World Index Fund (IE) -19.2% 0.12%
NN IP Global Enhanced Index Sustainable Equity -24.1% 0.38%
BlackRock BGF Future of Transport Fund -24.9% 1.45%
Goldman Sachs Global Millennials Equity Portfolio Fund -39.7% 0.84%
Amundi KBI Global Infrastructure Fund -8.5% 0.96%
PIMCO GIS Inflation Multi-Asset Fund -8.9% 0.79%

**Return refers to the net fund-level returns after fees, and before the Endowus trailer fee rebate, calculated using the daily returns of the retail SGD ISIN of the fund available on Endowus and as linked to the Investment Funds List, between 1 Jan 2022 and 31 Dec 2022. Where the share class is incepted after 1 Jan 2022, the oldest share class returns were used as a proxy during the period in which the target ISIN did not exist. For more information, refer here.

^Fund-level fees after Cashback on trailer fees. The fund-level fee, or total expense ratio (TER), is charged by the fund manager. If there are trailer fees paid by the fund managers to Endowus, we give you 100% Cashback on the trailer fees. Endowus does not charge a preliminary sales charge or any other additional fees, other than the all-in Endowus Fee.


More currency options, direct dividend payouts

Major currencies: USD, euro, and more - multi currency deposits and conversion on Endowus

In 2022, we gave the Fund Smart platform a massive upgrade — including wider currency options (USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CHF) and new dividend payout options. These give you more flexibility and information in selecting your own funds and crafting your own portfolios.

Go beyond SGD-denominated funds

More currencies are now supported on our platform. That means you have wider options than before, to invest in funds that are denominated in the US dollar (USD), euro (EUR), Australian dollar (AUD), Swiss franc (CHF), and sterling (GBP) — and not just those in Singapore dollars (SGD).

Receive dividend payouts straight in your pockets

If you’re investing in distribution share class funds (instead of accumulation share class funds), you can now select from three dividend payout options:

  1. Deposit the dividends to your Endowus cash balance;
  2. Withdraw the dividends to your bank account; or
  3. Reinvest the dividends at no cost (for cash/CPF/SRS investments) 
Diagram: Will I receive dividends or interest income? Depending on the fund, whether it's an accumulation share class or distribution share class, you may be able to choose to receive distributions from your Endowus investments straight in your pockets.

To learn more about customising your dividend payout, click here.


Where are markets headed in 2023?

Colour quilt chart: Asset class returns, 2008 to 2022, across asset classes including fixed income, emerging market equity, REITs, small cap and large cap stocks, cash, commodities
Source: JP Morgan Asset Management

It’s difficult to predict where the market will go next. Just as the Covid-19 global pandemic hit us by surprise two years ago and Russia invaded Ukraine last year, we may or may not see more unpredictable, unfortunate events unfolding in 2023.

What’s important in these uncertain times is to stay invested, and diversified. The market has historically rewarded long-term investors who maintain a disciplined and diversified portfolio, which takes advantage of outperformance in one sector and cushions underperformance in another. 

On the Fund Smart platform, the best-in-class funds — curated by the Endowus Investment Office — are suitable for building your own diversified investment portfolio, and can also be held as a single or concentrated position in sectors that you love, to complement your broad investments.

To read about the five big investing themes that may dominate 2023, follow this link. For a wrap-up of the biggest market events in 2022, click here.

Thank you for your trust and support for the Endowus team throughout an eventful year, amid unprecedented challenges in the financial markets. We remain committed to doing what is always in the best interest of our clients, and to help you achieve better investing outcomes. Here’s to a strong start to 2023. 


Customise your portfolio in minutes with Fund Smart

Want to know more about the funds available on Endowus Fund Smart? Browse our complete investment funds list.

Customise your ideal investment portfolio in minutes with Fund Smart at a low, fair fee. The Endowus Fee for Single Fund Goals via Fund Smart (Cash, CPF, and SRS) is 0.3% p.a., reinforcing our commitment to reduce the cost of investing. This pricing means that more than 95% of the funds are now cheaper on Endowus than on any other fund platform, bank, private bank, financial advisor, or broker in Singapore. 

Not sure how to invest with Fund Smart? Find out everything you need to know in our FAQs.


Investment involves risk. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance or returns. The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up, and you may not get the full amount you invested. Rates of exchange may cause the value of investments to go up or down. Individual stock performance does not represent the return of a fund.

‍Any forward-looking statements, prediction, projection or forecast on the economy, stock market, bond market or economic trends of the markets contained in this material are subject to market influences and contingent upon matters outside the control of Endowus Singapore Pte. Ltd. (“Endowus”) and therefore may not be realised in the future. Further, any opinion or estimate is made on a general basis and subject to change without notice. In presenting the information above, none of Endowus, its affiliates, directors, employees, representatives or agents have given any consideration to, nor have made any investigation of the objective, financial situation or particular need of any user, reader, any specific person or group of persons. Therefore, no representation is made as to the completeness and adequacy of the information to make an informed decision. You should carefully consider (i) whether any investment views and products/ services are appropriate in view of your investment experience, objectives, financial resources and relevant circumstances. You may also wish to seek financial advice through a financial advisor or the Endowus platform and independent legal, accounting, regulatory or tax advice, as appropriate.

Investment into collective investment schemes: Please refer to respective funds’ prospectuses for details of the funds, their related fees, charges and risk factors. The listing of units of the fund on a stock exchange does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. Before making an investment decision, you are reminded to refer to the relevant prospectus for specific risk considerations.

For Cash Smart Secure, Cash Smart Enhanced, Cash Smart Ultra: It is not a bank deposit and not capital guaranteed, and is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investment products are not insured products under the provisions of the Deposit Insurance and Policy Owners Protection Schemes Act 2011 of Singapore and are not eligible for deposit insurance coverage under the Deposit Insurance Scheme. Interest rates are indicative and subject to change at any time.

Product Risk Rating: Please note that any product risk rating (the “PRR”) provided by us is an internal rating assigned based on our product risk assessment model, and is for your reference only. The PRR is subject to change from time to time. The PRR does not take into account your individual circumstances, objectives or needs and should not be regarded as advice or recommendation to purchase, hold or sell any fund or make any other investment decisions. Accordingly, you should not solely rely on the PRR in making your investment decision in the relevant Fund.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Endowus Investment Office Fund Digest - 2022 Fund Smart Highlights - Most popular and selected new funds

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