In-Person Event w/ Quantedge: Inside a multi-billion dollar hedge fund
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In-Person Event w/ Quantedge: Inside a multi-billion dollar hedge fund

Feb 2025
Aug 2024
Endowus hosts an in-person event with with Quantedge.

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About Quantedge

Founded in Singapore in 2006, Quantedge is a systematic global macro hedge fund manager with more than US$2 billion in assets under management. 

As a top hedge fund performer for over a decade, it has garnered numerous international awards and accolades over the years including Top 5 Large Hedge Funds by Bloomberg, Best Asian Billion Dollar Hedge Fund by EurekaHedge, Fund of the Year by AsiaHedge, Best 100 Hedge Funds by Barron’s and Best Diversified Investment Strategy in Asia by 

Quantedge invests in more than 200 markets globally, across multiple asset classes such as fixed income, equities, commodities, currencies, and insurance-linked securities. It dynamically allocates capital to these asset classes based on proprietary statistical models. 

Aligning interests with its external investors, Quantedge employees are collectively the largest investor in their strategy. Quantedge Capital Pte. Ltd. holds a Capital Markets Services (CMS) licence and is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

About the Speakers

Hugh Chung, Chief Investment Advisory Officer at Endowus, has more than 20 years of experience in the asset management and financial advisory space in Asia. In his previous role as the Chief Investment Officer for a single family office, he was responsible for strategic asset allocation, portfolio construction and fund selection across all regions and asset classes. In his current role, Hugh leads the integration of investment functions and strategies across the Endowus Group, comprising the Endowus digital platform, Endowus Private Wealth, and Carret Private. He oversees the centralised Investment Office, which provides group strategic direction on the expert curation and management of all investment solutions across public and private markets, for individual and institutional investors in Singapore and Hong Kong. 

Suhaimi Zainul-Abidin, CEO at Quantedge, joined Quantedge Capital as Director and General Counsel in 2013 and took on the role of Chief Executive Officer in  2018.  Prior  to  that,  Suhaimi  was  a  banking  &  finance  partner  at  the  pre-eminent  Singapore  law  firm  of  Allen  & Gledhill LLP. He contributes as a board member on the boards of a number of Singapore statutory boards and agencies, and non-profit organizations, each of which addresses matters and causes close to his heart. This includes the Skillsfuture Singapore Agency (SSG), KidSTART Singapore Limited, National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), The Esplanade (Singapore’s national performing arts center), Warees Investments and TalentTrust Limited. He is also a member of the Board of Governors of Raffles Institution, a council member of the Council for Board Diversity, Singapore Exco member of the Alternative Investment Managers Association, Exco member of the Young Business Leaders Network, and Board Chairman of Tri Sector Charity Consultants and Learning Gateway Ltd.

Thomas Cordier, Co-Head of Investor Relations at Quantedge, joined Quantedge in 2012. Prior to joining Quantedge, Thomas worked in London as a pricing actuary at Renaissance Re. He also worked as an actuary at Aon Benfield and in actuarial consulting at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Tillinghast-Towers Perrin (now Willis Towers Watson). Thomas received his Bachelor of Science in Actuarial Science from Laval University and his Masters of Science in Financial Engineering from New York University. He is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a Fellow of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries.

Endowus hosts an in-person event with with Quantedge.

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