Why there's no shame in getting retrenched
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Why there's no shame in getting retrenched

Feb 2025
Sep 2023
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Why there's no shame in getting retrenched, and why it's important to build a financial safety net -- a comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense.

It's always painful to get retrenched and it can especially hurt after working hard and prioritising the job over family and friends. The silver lining is that if you've been financially prudent, the pains from such an unpredictable episode may be more manageable. Learn how you can invest in a safety net against retrenchment in Singapore, and turn this into an opportunity to revisit your career path.

This post was created in partnership with DollarsAndSense, and was first published on DollarsAndSense.

Why it's important to build a financial safety net

Why there's no shame in getting retrenched, and why it's important to build a financial safety net. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarseAndSense in Singapore.
Things may not always go to plan. Even if you're working hard and meeting your targets at work, you may still be retrenched due to a downturn or a change in company direction. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.

It is always painful to get retrenched after working hard - especially if we had prioritised our career over family and friends. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
Regardless of how experienced or competent we are, our confidence will be affected after a retrenchment. Developed by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in the 1960s, the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle may explain the emotional rollercoaster we experience after being retrenched. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
If you've been financially prudent, the pains of getting retrenched may be more manageable. You can revisit your career and life aspirations, and plan the next phase of your career. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
Comic strip frame: The retrenched worker schedules interviews with prospective employers in his calendar while also carving out time for lunch or dinner with friends and other leisure activities. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
Building a strong financial safety net means that you don't have to take the first job offer you get. You can wait for a suitable job offer, make a career transition to another industry, or even build your own startup. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
Getting retrenched is never pleasant, but it does not have to be a death sentence for your career. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.

Comic strip frame: The previously retrenched worker, who has since found a new job, offers a friend a toolbox for building a financial safety net in Singapore. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.
Message from Endowus: Endowus can help you strengthen your safety net with access to low-cost and globally diversified investment portfolios. The Endowus Flagship Portfolio offers a tailored investment solution - providing broad market exposure through low-cost funds, with allocations catering to your risk profile and investment goals. By investing with a comprehensive and holistic digital wealth advisor, you can invest your cash, CPF, and SRS savings to boost your long-term investing needs. Start now to be prepared for the unexpected, so that time is always on your side. A comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense in Singapore.


Building a resilient long-term investment portfolio through Endowus

It is impossible to predict how macroeconomic events would play out, or to prepare for any consequent implications on your investments.

However, spreading your investments across asset classes and geographies will help with diversifying your risk. If you have a long-term investing horizon, as many of us do, these developments may offer an opportunity through steady, regular investing in diversified and risk-adjusted portfolios.

With digital wealth platform Endowus, you can plan and manage your money — by investing in best-in-class funds and globally diversified, intelligent, low-cost funds and portfolios seamlessly. Find out more our Flagship Portfolios here.

Click here to get started with your investing journey with Endowus today.

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Why there's no shame in getting retrenched, and why it's important to build a financial safety net -- a comic strip created in partnership with DollarsAndSense.

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