In one of our most interactive webinars ever, Sam Rhee, Chairman and CIO of Endowus, has a fireside chat with Mr Loo Cheng Chuan as they discuss strategies on making the right decisions to unlocking your 1st million in CPF.
Loo also provides his views on various financial instruments, how some of them have proven long-term successes, and how some have derailed his plans before he got to his current-day success. Sam shares his take on the impact of COVID-19 on the global economy and investment decisions. Read more about Sam's experience across the worst downturns in his 25-year career in the finance industry here.
00:00 Intro
6:35 Intro by Loo Cheng Chuan, Founder of 1M65 Movement
8:30 Loo sharing on his investment philosophy
10:55 Loo's views on stock picking?
18:00 Going back to the basics of investing, and how would the market do long term
24:58 Investing during crisis
30:03 Loo's journey with CPF
33:40 How the 1M65 formula works
37:30 How the 4M65 formula works
41:50 Key steps to getting 4M65
45:33 Growing your CPF - the importance of investing
48:18 Why STI is a bad index
57:47 QnA
1:06:50 Robo-advisors - be wary, do your homework
1:09:35 Investing with CPFIS, how Endowus tries to lower fees
1:22:50 Final Words
Loo Cheng Chuan founded the 1M65 Movement, where he has developed a financial strategy to get S$1 Million in your CPF by 65 years old. Loo wants to help Singaporeans grow their CPF and become millionaires by the time they retire.
In 2018, Loo and his wife crossed the S$1 million mark in their CPF savings account at 45 years old, proving many 1M65 skeptics wrong. Loo and his 1M65 strategy have been featured on several occasions in mainstream news and online media.
Through public speaking events and publishing content on the 1M65 Movement, Loo hopes to help Singaporeans became financially independent. He was one of the few non-civil servants to be awarded the Public Sector Transformation Award in 2018 for his 1M65 efforts.