The contents on this webpage are provided for information only. It does not take into consideration the specific investment objective, financial situation or particular needs of any specific person. It does not constitute an offer or solicitation to invest in units of any Endowus ESG portfolio or offerings.
“Annual carbon emissions avoided" is calculated based on (i) the latest information provided by the fund managers of Endowus Core ESG 40:60 Portfolio as at 20 January 2021, and (ii) the relevant conversion estimates are based on various sources, including but not limited to EPA or the Energy Market Authority.
Though the information used to build the calculator is believed to be reliable and has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, Endowus makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness. Endowus is under no obligation to update, modify or amend any sources used for this calculator or to otherwise notify you if any sources contained herein changes or subsequently becomes inaccurate.
Endowus will not be liable for any damages arising from any person's reliance on the above information and shall not be liable for any errors or omissions (including but not limited to errors or omissions made by third parties) in such information.