First on Endowus: Amundi's lowest-cost passive index funds for CPF (Fund Digest March 2023)
Endowus Insights

First on Endowus: Amundi's lowest-cost passive index funds for CPF (Fund Digest March 2023)

Jul 2023
Apr 2023
Endowus Investment Office Monthly Fund Digest - March 2023 - Amundi low-cost passive index funds for CPF

Exclusively available first on Endowus, the Amundi Prime USA Fund and the Amundi Index MSCI World Fund are the lowest-cost passive index funds in Singapore and on the CPF Investment Scheme (CPFIS). 

These two low-cost passive index funds are available for investments using your CPF Ordinary Account (OA) savings. The Amundi Prime USA Fund has a total expense ratio (TER) of 0.05%, while the Amundi Index MSCI World Fund has a TER of 0.10%. 

The two funds offer an efficient and easy way to invest in the US market via the Amundi Prime USA Fund, and the developed markets in the case of the Amundi Index MSCI World Fund. Both are denominated in Singapore dollars (SGD).

Read our full explainer or watch our webinar replay to learn more about these new funds, why CPF investors should consider them, and why passive investing works. 

To start investing your CPF with Endowus, click here.

Developed markets — passive index

Amundi Index MSCI World Fund

ISIN: LU2420245917 (SGD), LU2420245321 (USD)

Amundi Index MSCI World Fund - equity, global, passive, available funding sources: Cash, SRS, CPF (SGD), 3-year annualised return of 13.8%, fund AUM of SGD 6.77 billion as of 3 April 2023. Fund-level fees are 0.10%.

[EXCLUSIVE] This is currently the lowest-cost passive index fund in Singapore for exposure to developed-market equities. Using an effective and low-cost physical replication method, the Amundi Index MSCI World Fund tracks the MSCI World Index, which represents large and mid-cap equity performances across 23 developed markets. 

The fund is now available for CPF investing, making it a cost-effective and efficient way to invest for the long term. This is exclusively made available first to Endowus.

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US — passive index

Amundi Prime USA Fund

ISIN: LU2420246055 (SGD), LU2420245594 (USD)

Amundi Prime USA Fund: equity, US, passive, available funding sources: Cash, SRS, CPF (SGD). 3-year annualised return of 20.5%, fund AUM of SGD 244 million as of 3 April 2023. Fund-level fees of 0.05%.

[EXCLUSIVE] This is the cheapest unit trust in Singapore, and the lowest-cost passive index fund in Singapore for exposure to the US stock market. The fund provides an extremely low-cost exposure to large and mid-cap equities in the US, by tracking the Solactive GBS United States Large & Mid Cap Index. 

The index reflects the performance of around 550 companies and covers about 85% of the free-float market value of the US market. This benchmark is very similar to the more commonly known S&P 500 Index, but the use of the Solactive index allows the Amundi Prime USA Fund to achieve the lowest fee in the industry — at just 0.05%.

The fund is now available for CPF investing, making it a cost-effective and efficient way to invest for the long term. This is exclusively made available first to Endowus.

<medium-btn-link>Find out more<medium-btn-link>

Funds for accredited investors (AIs) only

We have also added two new AI-only funds this month, including one alternatives funds.

If you wish to invest in an accredited investor-only (AI-only) fund, please contact 

Customise your portfolio in minutes with Fund Smart

Whether you’re looking to invest your cash, CPF, or SRS, there’s something for everyone at Endowus. Want to know more about the funds available on Endowus Fund Smart? Refer to our investment funds list here for a quick overview in a single glance. 

Check out the most popular funds on our platform last year. If you’re keen on China equity funds, we’ve highlighted a selection of China-focused funds that are worth a look.

We also recently gave the Fund Smart platform a massive upgrade — including wider currency options, new dividend payout options, and an improved experience for verified accredited investors. These give you more flexibility and information in selecting your own funds and building your own portfolios.

Customise your ideal investment portfolio in minutes with Fund Smart. The Endowus Fee for Single Fund Goals via Fund Smart (Cash, CPF, and SRS) is 0.3% p.a., reinforcing our commitment to reduce the cost of investing. This pricing means that more than 95% of the funds are now cheaper on Endowus than on any other fund platform, bank, private bank, financial advisor, or broker in Singapore. 

Not sure how to invest with Fund Smart? Find out everything you need to know in our FAQs.


*Annualised returns are calculated based on the returns of the target share class, and the oldest share class of the fund where the target share class is younger than three years. Three-year returns are based on the period from April 2020 to March 2023 unless otherwise stated. Returns are translated into SGD (except for non-SGD funds) and are net of fund-level fees. 

**Where a fund or portfolio has both SGD and USD share classes, the fees of the SGD share class are shown. Total portfolio and fund-level fees include fund total fund-level fees.

***Endowus does not charge a preliminary sales charge or any other additional fees, other than the all-in Endowus Fee.


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Investment into collective investment schemes: Please refer to respective funds’ prospectuses for details of the funds, their related fees, charges and risk factors. The listing of units of the fund on a stock exchange does not guarantee a liquid market for the units. Before making an investment decision, you are reminded to refer to the relevant prospectus for specific risk considerations.

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Endowus Investment Office Monthly Fund Digest - March 2023 - Amundi low-cost passive index funds for CPF

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