Decoding Dimensional: Exclusive fireside chat with Dimensional Co-CEO Dave Butler and film premiere of ‘Tune out the Noise'
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Decoding Dimensional: Exclusive fireside chat with Dimensional Co-CEO Dave Butler and film premiere of ‘Tune out the Noise'

Feb 2025
Nov 2023
Decoding Dimensional: Exclusive fireside chat with Dimensional CEO Dave Butler and film premiere of ‘Tune out the Noise'

About the session

Endowus would like to warmly invite you to an exclusive in-person event, featuring a fireside chat where Endowus Co-founder & Chairman, Samuel Rhee, will speak with Dave Butler, Co-CEO of Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, and Joel Teasdel, Head of Wealth Management Group, Asia ex-Japan and Vice President, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, as they honour the decades-long revolution of science triumphing speculation in the financial services industry through their own personal experiences.

During the session, we will also be screening the premiere of Tune Out the Noise, a film about the founding of Dimensional Fund Advisors and the evolution of client-focused advice. Filmed by Academy Award-winning filmmaker Errol Morris, the documentary focuses on how Dimensional challenged the traditional methods of investing, the invention of index funds, and how these ideas have benefitted generations of investors.

‍You’re encouraged to RSVP at your earliest convenience as this event is invite-only, and on a first-come, first-served basis.

If registration is successful, you will receive a confirmation email from the Endowus team.

Please note that your invitation is unique to you and is for one person only. If you require additional tickets, please kindly also submit the form with your invitee’s name and email address.

About the program

Date: Monday, 4 December 2023

Venue: Big Picture Auditorium, Level 9, Capital Tower, 168 Robinson Rd, Singapore 068912

  • ‍5.45PM: Event Registration
  • ‍6.00PM: Networking and Refreshments‍
  • 7.00PM: Fireside Chat with Dimensional Fund Advisors
  • 7.15PM: Film Screening

Due to limited capacity, kindly note that registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Canapés and refreshments will be provided from 6 to 7pm. Please take note that food and drinks are not allowed to be consumed in the theatre. Thank you.

About the film 

Tune Out the Noise 

An Errol Morris Film

In this film, Errol Morris explores decision making in a market filled with information overload. Tune Out The Noise follows a group of pioneers who crossed paths at the University of Chicago in the middle of the 20th century, including David Booth, Eugene Fama, Rex Sinquefield, and others who would later be key to the founding of Dimensional.

The film unfolds the story of decades-long revolution of science triumphing over speculation in the financial services industry and provides an exploration of how markets work, and why that matters.

Watch the trailer here:

About the speakers

David Butler, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP‍

Dave Butler serves as Co-Chief Executive Officer of Dimensional Fund Advisors LP and is a Dimensional Director. He joined the firm in 1995 and was named Co-CEO in 2017. Along with Co-CEO Gerard O’Reilly, Dave guides Dimensional’s vision and strategy, inspiring innovation and growth. He is passionate about helping clients develop perspective on the markets so that they can have a better investment experience, and he frequently interacts with professional investors and industry leaders around the globe. Dave also serves on the Boards of Dimensional’s US mutual funds and exchange-traded funds.

Prior to becoming Co-CEO, Dave led the development of Dimensional’s financial advisor business, building a global team of Regional Directors and client services professionals. Throughout his career, Dave has been closely involved in the evolving field of investment advice and the strong community of professionals redefining wealth management and enhancing the investor experience. In the 25 years since he joined Dimensional, the firm has grown from roughly $10 billion in assets under management to more than $618 billion.

Dave attended the University of California, Berkeley, where he earned a BS in marketing and finance in 1986 and an MBA in 1990. He received the CFA® designation in 1998. Dave played basketball while attending Cal and was later drafted by the Boston Celtics. In 2011, he was inducted into the Cal Athletics Hall of Fame, and in 2014, he was named to the Pac-12 Basketball Hall of Honor. Dave was also a Rhodes Scholar candidate.‍

Joel Teasdel, Head of Wealth Management Group, Asia ex-Japan and Vice President, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP

‍With over 25 years’ experience as an Investment Professional in Europe, Asia and The Pacific, Joel is a veteran of the Wealth Management Industry. Since 1997, Joel has specialised in helping leading private wealth managers to improve their investment process, client value proposition, firm profitability and most importantly, the investment outcomes for end investors.

Joel holds a bachelor's of business in Marketing, Management, and International Business Law from the University of Technology, Sydney, and a diploma of financial services in financial planning.‍

Samuel Rhee, Co-founder & Chairman, Endowus‍

Samuel Rhee is Co-founder and Chairman of Endowus, Asia’s leading digital wealth platform. He is the former CEO and CIO of Morgan Stanley Investment Management in Asia, with three decades of institutional investing experience in Singapore, Hong Kong, and London.

Today, Sam heads the Endowus Group Investment Office and ensures every client has greater access to holistic portfolios that are thoughtfully designed to meet their specific wealth goals. He is  responsible for the company’s asset allocation and investment selection across all offerings, with a vision to provide individual investors with the same knowledge, resources, and products traditionally only made available to institutional investors, at a low, fair fee.

Against this backdrop, Sam passionately advocates for greater financial literacy, time-tested and evidence-based advice, lower costs, the industry elimination of hidden fees, and a corporate culture that puts the client’s needs first. Endowus solves the biggest problems of wealth and investing, and retirement adequacy, leading the firm to become the first and largest digital advisor for CPF investing in Singapore.

Decoding Dimensional: Exclusive fireside chat with Dimensional CEO Dave Butler and film premiere of ‘Tune out the Noise'

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