Why did we start Endowus?
We started Endowus with a singular focus: to make the best investment advice and products accessible to all of us.
In the context of our beautiful home Singapore, making this possible within CPF has been core to our mission. Today, we've proud to launch CPF investing. In just a few clicks, you can get started on your investment account. If you are already an Endowus client and a CPF member, just link your CPF investment account and you'll be ready to go.
First CPF platform.
We are proud to announce that Endowus is the first digital CPF investment advisor. Today, long lines at the bank, or finding a financial advisor that understands your needs are now remnants of the past.
One digital platform, 10 minutes.
You can now on-board, receive personalised advice, and start investing your CPF savings completely online via the Endowus platform in under 10 minutes.
Up to $370 of every $1,000 you earn goes to your CPF accounts. We think your hard-earned money can work harder for you.
110% ? 474%.
For most of us, investing and taking risk with our CPF makes a lot of sense. Capital markets have historically rewarded participants for taking diversified risk. Assuming a balanced portfolio return of 6% after fees, $100,000 would grow and compound to more than $574,000 after 30 years. A 2.5% interest rate (without volatility and risk) would grow to under $210,000. That is a difference in cumulative returns from 110% to 474%.
"We want to do this right. Lower costs + personalised advice = better outcomes."
- Gregory Van, Co-CEO & COO of Endowus
Our fight for fair fees.
0% sales charges. 0% transaction fees. 100% trailer fee rebates. No hidden fees. For CPF, we charge a flat 0.40% Access Fee on your assets, which includes advice, brokerage, wrap, transaction, custodian, and rebalancing. Trailer fees usually make up around half of a fund's expense ratio and are paid by the fund management company to the distributor (i.e. the bank or brokerage platform that sold you the fund). We only want to be paid by you, so that our advice is unaffected by conflicts of interest.
Personalised advice.
All your money, CPF included, should work holistically towards your financial goals. You can access globally diversified portfolios for all your money-types - CPF, SRS, and cash on the Endowus platform, and monitor your progress in achieving your goals rolled up across all your different portfolios.
S$11 trillion + under management.
Endowus has partnered with the largest local and global fund management companies such as Eastspring, First Sentier Investors, Lion Global Investors, Natixis Investment Managers, Schroders, and UOB Asset Management.
Best in Class.
Endowus utilises the best CPFIS-included funds to create core portfolios at different risk levels suitable for all CPF members, and we've brought in the first passive, low-cost S&P 500 US equity unit trust fund onto the list of CPFIS-included funds with Vanguard & LionGlobal. Our endeavour to improve your ability to control and map out your financial journey has driven us to continue investing heavily in our proprietary technology platform. At heart, we are both a financial services and technology company, leveraging the best of both worlds to better serve your needs. We would love to hear your feedback about how we can bring you a better
investing experience.
Need help? We're always here.
Please reach out to us at any time at support@endowus.com.