Webinar: Investing through black swan events
Endowus Insights

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Webinar: Investing through black swan events

Mar 2025
May 2020

COVID-19: The definitive black swan event of the century

Learn how the assumptions of some popular investing strategies, such as leveraging on bonds and REITs, have failed to withstand the market volatility brought about by COVID-19.

While these strategies have worked well for the past few years, many retail and high net worth investors have suffered huge losses through these investment strategies recently as the COVID-19 pandemic becomes associated as a black swan event.

A black swan event is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences. Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, their severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.
  • Investopedia.com

During this session, Gregory Van, CEO of Endowus, and Timothy Ho, Managing Editor of DollarsAndSense, will share their thoughts and research around investing during the financial crisis. They will interact with viewers through the Live QnA, and share case studies of failed investment strategies. Find out the key learning points we can make from this financial crisis and become a better investor.

00:00 Intro

5:48 What happens if you invest like Buffett since 1965

9:00 What if you invest like Buffett, but with leverage?

10:27 How black swan events will wipe out your leveraged investments

21:00 Leveraging on REITs

32:26 Recent markets performance

41:52 QnA Part 1

52:25 Market bounces after black swan events, and recessions

57:02 How the worst market timer would have done- if he held on.

1:01:48 1917 The movie

1:13:46 Avoiding the Japan lost decade problems

1:18:31 QnA Part 2


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