Webinar: Investing your Cash and SRS: How Endowus is different
Endowus Insights

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Webinar: Investing your Cash and SRS: How Endowus is different

Mar 2025
Jun 2020
wooden building blocks and hand

In this webinar, hear from our leaders, Samuel Rhee, Chairman and CIO, and Gregory Van, CEO, to understand how our singular focus on our clients' success spurs us on to provide the best-in-class advice, access and fees across our platform and services. Understand how our Cash and SRS portfolios can help you achieve the investment success you deserve, when we access the most suitable product for reputable fund managers like Dimensional, PIMCO and Vanguard.

Read more about our portfolio change here.

00:00 Intro

3:43 Introduction about Endowus

14:05 About the New Endowus Cash & SRS portfolio

17:43 Our commitment to strategic passive asset allocation

27:52 The new portfolio, and the fees

32:10 Understanding FX denomination and hedging and how it works for our clients

45:16 Historical performance of portfolio

53:03 Why we believe in a passive allocation strategy, and why we don't invest in just S&P 500

57:05 The security of your money

58:57 How we only act in your best interest through rebate of trailer fees

1:06:55 Endowus versus Unit Trusts providers, versus Roboadvisors

1:12:24 QnA

Your questions, answered.

Q: Can I not accept this portfolio change, and can I accept the change later?

A: Yes, you can reject the portfolio change, or choose to accept the change later on. You will still be able to do recurring monthly investments into the same portfolio if you do not accept the change.

Q: Investing a lump sum versus dollar-cost averaging, which should we do?

A: Over a year, the market has around a 60% chance of increasing. In general markets go up, so lump sum investing has a higher chance of making higher returns. However, it might be prudent to space out your investments, for example, investing 50% of your lump sum across 3 months, then investing the remaining 50% another 9 months so you are fully invested within a year

Q: Why are the highest weightage funds for the Equity Portfolio highly correlated?

A: We aim to create a portfolio that is globally diversified and is market cap-weighted to capture market returns without over or underexposing geographical risk. It just so happens that the US market is the largest by market capitalisation, and that both the S&P 500 and the Dimensional Global Core Equity Fund have overlapping US exposure, and by nature developed markets are highly correlated to the US market.

wooden building blocks and hand

Table of Contents

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