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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Federated Hermes

Federated Hermes is a global leader in active, responsible investment.

We are guided by the conviction that responsible investing is the best way to create long-term wealth.We offer investment capabilities in public and private markets, with a focus on responsible investing.

  • Active equities: characterised by proprietary fundamental, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and engagement research.
  • Fixed income: value-seeking approach based on fundamental analysis, a macro perspective and rigorous security selection for diversified, risk-managed portfolios.
  • Liquidity: solutions driven by four decades of experience.
  • Private markets: real estate, infrastructure, private equity and debt.
  • Stewardship: corporate engagement, proxy voting, policy advocacy.

Our pioneering stewardship service, EOS at Federated Hermes (EOS), is key to our offering.

Our business:

  • US$668.9bn in assets under management
  • US$1.3tn in assets under advice
  • 1900+ employees

Source: Federated Hermes as at 31 December 2022


Federated Hermes

Seeking outperformance with positive outcomes, we aim to deliver Sustainable Wealth Creation that enriches investors, society and the environment.

Our $1.3tn in stewardship assets under advice, ground-breaking work in ESG integration across asset classes and a key role in developing the original Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) illustrate our long-standing commitment and influence.


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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Federated Hermes


Federated Hermes
