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Access top funds among the 300+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Jupiter Asset Management

Since Jupiter Asset Management (‘Jupiter’) was established in 1985, we have sought to make a positive difference for our clients by helping them achieve their long-term investment objectives through high conviction, active management.

From the start we understood the need to create a distinct, entrepreneurial culture that harnessed all areas of the business in the pursuit of this goal. Now, thirty-five years on, we have established ourselves as a leading specialist asset manager precisely because we have retained that agility and drive as we have grown. Our value remains in our people, our ability to adapt quickly to changing markets, and in our willingness to continuously challenge ourselves to deliver the best investment outcome for clients.


Jupiter Asset Management

Jupiter is a specialist, high conviction, active asset manager. We exist to help our clients achieve their long-term investment objectives. From our origins in 1985, Jupiter now offers a range of actively managed strategies available to UK and international clients including equities, fixed income, multi-asset and alternatives. Jupiter is a constituent member of the FTSE 250 Index, and has assets under management of US$60.7bn as at 31/12/2022.

Independence of thought and individual accountability define us. Our fund managers follow their convictions and seek those investment opportunities that they believe will ensure the best outcome for our clients. They do this through fundamental analysis and research, a clear investment process and risk management framework, with a focus on good stewardship.


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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Jupiter Asset Management


Jupiter Asset Management
