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Access top funds among the 300+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart



Heptagon Capital is a London-based private investment firm founded in July 2005. Our team is driven by a rigorous ethic; a culture of partnership and shared ideas including 45* experienced and highly motivated individuals from 18 different nationalities which makes Heptagon what it is today; a powerful mix of expertise and cultural diversity.

Heptagon takes a considered, proactive, and global approach to sourcing and evaluating new investment opportunities in order to provide our clients with leading-edge investment solutions of the highest quality. Heptagon’s UCITS funds include in-house funds and sub-advised funds managed by well-established third-party managers, one of which is Driehaus Capital Management based in the US. Driehaus is a privately held independent investment management firm based in Chicago, Illinois. The firm manages active growth equity strategies including the Driehaus Small Cap Growth Strategy ("Strategy") which is managed by a stable, talented Team with over 50+ years of Driehaus US small cap equity investment experience.

Heptagon Capital Limited is the Investment Manager of the Driehaus US Small Cap Equity Fund. Driehaus Capital Management (“Driehaus”) is the sub-investment manager for the Driehaus US Small Cap Equity Fund.

*Number of employees information is as of 30th September 2024



The Driehaus Small Cap Growth strategy focuses on identifying corporate earnings inflection points and related market inefficiencies and its integration of fundamental, macro and behavioural analysis in constructing the portfolio is unique and provides Driehaus with a definable and repeatable competitive advantage. The approach consistently leads to a high active share portfolio of US smaller cap companies experiencing positive change.  The portfolio is also diversified by companies with different growth profiles, including biotechnology companies, and the investment process has been tried, tested, and proved consistently repeatable across market cycles.

The Strategy is managed by a stable, talented, and experienced investment team with strong alignments of interests with their investor-base.  Portfolio manager Jeff James has managed portfolios at Driehaus since 1998 and has been the lead portfolio manager of the strategy since 2006.  The Team has not experienced any changes (other than joiners) in over a decade and a half.


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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart




