A global leader in active fixed income
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PIMCO is a global leader in active fixed income. For over 50 years, our deep bench of industry-leading talent, combined with our active investment approach and innovative fixed income solutions have helped us deliver attractive long-term returns for our clients. We aim to be a leader in ESG fixed income. Of our USD 1.74 trillion assets under management¹ , USD 502 billion² are in sustainable investments, and over 80% of our holdings of corporate bond issuers engaged on ESG (in 2021)³. We have more than 3,390 employees around the world and 23 global offices throughout the Americas, Europe and Asia.
Source: PIMCO. As of 31 December 2022 unless stated otherwise.
¹ PIMCO manages US$1.74 trillion in assets, including US$1.38 trillion in third-party client assets as of 31 December 2022. Assets include US$81.8 billion (as of 30 September 2022) in assets of clients contracted with Allianz Real Estate, an affiliate and wholly-owned subsidiary of PIMCO and PIMCO Europe GmbH. Strategy breakdown is based on third-party assets.
² The figure includes 1) Third party ESG AUM with (i) specified ESG-linked objectives (“ESG” portfolios); or (ii) a focus on a sustainability-related theme (“thematic portfolios”). 2) third party Socially Responsible AUM (negative screened portfolios), which consists of PIMCO-sponsored funds and separate accounts with more than one client-driven values-based exclusion (“socially responsible portfolios”); and 3) Allianz ESG and Socially Responsible AUM.
³ Calculated as % by par-adjusted Firm AUM. Corporate issuer is defined as a non-government legal entity that develops, registers and sells securities to finance its operations. The statistic relates solely to the in-depth engagement activities by PIMCO's ESG analysts.
Active Management
We take an active approach to fixed income investing – one in which we express high conviction views without allowing any single risk to dominate returns. Over our 50 year history, we have found this helps us to deliver positive outcomes for investors and avoid outsized risks that may be inherent in passive approaches.
Tested Process
We have a proven ability to help investors navigate shifting investment conditions – including times of market stress. Honed over decades, our process has helped millions of investors manage risks and pursue returns over meaningful time periods.
Culture of Innovation
Financial markets are changing rapidly and it is crucial for investors to adapt. That is why innovation is part of the fabric of our culture. Importantly, we develop solutions based on investors’ needs and investing opportunities – not on near-term asset raising potential. And we invest in top technology, tools and resources to help them succeed.