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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart

Access top funds among the 300+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart



M&G Investments is a global asset manager, serving customers and clients for 90 years since launching Europe’s first ever mutual fund back in 1931. We’re part of M&G plc, a family of brands, all aligned behind the same ambition: to manage our customers’ investments so that they can live the life they want, while aiming to make the world a little better along the way.

Through long-term active investment management, we build solutions around what matters most to our customers and clients. We look for the best opportunities to invest in, across a wide range of asset classes, on behalf of people who care how their money is invested.



Fixed income

We are one of Europe’s largest fixed income investors across fixed income assets globally. Our established team of investment professionals aims to deliver performance over the long term across a range of fixed income products. We cover global government bonds and investment grade and high yield corporate debt. We seek to identify the best relative and absolute value opportunities by taking advantage of the extensive and diverse experience across our investment team and our significant in-house credit research capability.  A focus on long-term performance allows investment teams to exercise conviction while considering risk management at the same time.

Multi Asset

As founders of our distinctive ‘Episode’ investment process, which we have applied consistently for over 20 years, we believe we are well-positioned to select attractive investment opportunities globally. We believe asset allocation is the primary driver of investment returns. We therefore aim to help clients achieve optimal asset allocation throughout the market cycle using a dynamic approach. We apply behavioural finance theory to respond to market ‘Episodes’ – periods when asset prices are overly influenced by investors’ emotional behaviour rather than long-term fundamental drivers of returns – to deliver solutions for diversified growth, income, capital preservation and sustainability focused.

We offer clients:

- A robust and repeatable valuation analysis process, which uses economic theory, historical information and market surveys to identify assets that are over- or under-valued

- Highly flexible investment mandates designed to respond at speed and scale to changing market dynamics

- The construction of portfolios designed to provide effective diversification through market cycles


As pioneers of the UK’s first mutual fund in 1931 we’ve built an equities business and reputation around investment integrity, original thinking and innovation. Today our capabilities span actively managed and systematic strategies and we are one of the highest-ranked asset managers for responsible and impact investing. As active investors, we take a conviction-led, long-term approach to investing in equities. We believe company fundamentals, rather than economic cycles or market sentiment, drive share prices over time.


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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart




