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Access top funds among the 300+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Principal Asset Management

With public and private market capabilities across all asset classes, Principal Asset Management and its specialist investment teams apply local insights with global perspectives to deliver compelling investment opportunities aligned with client objectives.

Principal Asset Management is the global investment management business for Principal Financial Group® (Nasdaq: PFG), managing US$501.5 billion in assets as of 31 December 2022.


Principal Asset Management

Spectrum Asset Management—a world-leading manager

Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, Spectrum Asset Management is a leading manager of preferred and capital securities, with over US$21.4 billion in assets under management as of 31 December 2022. Founded in 1987, Spectrum has been a wholly owned and independently run affiliate of Principal Global Investors, a member of the Principal Financial Group, since 2001.

Experienced, dedicated team

A team of 12 dedicated investment professionals, with 27 average years of industry experience, Spectrum is one of the largest specialised managers of preferred securities in the United States.

Expertise in capital structure analysis

  • Rebalancing the portfolio structure among the relative value choices within junior-subordinated capital securities
  • Tactical underweights and overweights between retail $25 par preferred securities and institutional structure of capital securities
  • Focused research and proprietary tools that supplement the portfolio management process

Diversification benefits across regions and issuers

The investment philosophy is one of a disciplined and conservative approach to managing credit, security structure, industry, and market sector diversification

ESG Integration in the credit process

  • Based on comprehensive credit experience, the team uses an ESG negative screening process to avoid the worst performing and controversial companies
  • ESG assessments are integrated in fundamentals-based credit analyses
  • ESG approach allows us to determine the severity of ESG issues, helping us avoid potential risk

Principal Asset Management SM is a trade name of Principal Global Investors, LLC.


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Access top funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart


Principal Asset Management


Principal Asset Management
