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Access top Blue Owl funds among the 200+ best-in-class unit trusts now available on Endowus Fund Smart

Invest on Fund Smart in just a few clicks

  • 1. Create an Endowus account

    Onboard online in 10 minutes. When you create an Endowus account, we’ll create a trust account in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This trust account will handle your assets and process the transactions you make on the Endowus platform.

    You get the ease of use of the Endowus platform, and the trust that UOBKH brings to all its clients, including you.

  • 2. Add a Fund Smart goal

    Build your optimal portfolio using best-in-class funds at low cost with Fund Smart. Select your funding type — Cash, CPF or SRS.

  • 3. Choose from 200+ funds

    Explore our curated range of funds across asset classes, geographies, sectors, and styles. Our platform also guides you with real-time data on fund characteristics, like holdings and performance, to help you make better decisions.

  • 4. Investing better, at your fingertips

    Invest in a single fund or build a portfolio of up to eight funds. There is no limit to the number of portfolios you have on Endowus. Monitor your performance and manage your investments online.


Blue Owl

Blue Owl (NYSE: OWL) is a leading asset manager that is redefining alternatives. With $235 billion in assets under management (as of Sep 30, 2024), we invest across three multi-strategy platforms: Credit, GP Strategic Capital, and Real Estate. Anchored by a strong permanent capital base, we provide businesses with private capital solutions to drive long-term growth and offer institutional investors, individual investors, and insurance companies differentiated alternative investment opportunities that aim to deliver strong performance, risk-adjusted returns, and capital preservation.

Together with over 1,050 experienced professionals across 15 offices globally, Blue Owl brings the vision and discipline to create the exceptional. The firm has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) under the ticker symbol “OWL” since 2021.


  • 2022 Private Asset Management Awards Best Asset Manager Solution for Family Offices
  • 2023 North America Private Debt Loan of the Year
  • 2024 Asian Private Banker 11th Asset Management Awards for Excellence


Blue Owl Direct Lending is one of the largest direct lenders in the world with $91.0 billion in assets under management.

Blue Owl’s direct lending investment team is led by a highly seasoned senior team, each of whom possess decades of experience building and managing investment platforms.

The team works with borrowers across industries and sectors with a focus on serving as a capital partner of choice for leading private companies.

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Blue Owl

Save up to 50% or more on Endowus Fund Smart