Intelligent insight backed by proprietary research
Best-in-class, award-winning funds backed by one of the largest research teams globally of over 400 investment specialists

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assets held in your own name at
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Invest on Fund Smart in just a few clicks
1. Create an Endowus account
Onboard online in 10 minutes. When you create an Endowus account, we’ll create a trust account in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This trust account will handle your assets and process the transactions you make on the Endowus platform.
You get the ease of use of the Endowus platform, and the trust that UOBKH brings to all its clients, including you.2. Add a Fund Smart goal
Build your optimal portfolio using best-in-class funds at low cost with Fund Smart. Select your funding type — Cash, CPF or SRS.
3. Choose from 200+ funds
Explore our curated range of funds across asset classes, geographies, sectors, and styles. Our platform also guides you with real-time data on fund characteristics, like holdings and performance, to help you make better decisions.
4. Investing better, at your fingertips
Invest in a single fund or build a portfolio of up to eight funds. There is no limit to the number of portfolios you have on Endowus. Monitor your performance and manage your investments online.

Featured in these portfolios
Fidelity International offers world-class investment solutions and retirement expertise toinstitutions, individuals and their advisors around the globe. We are partners with our clients on their journey to build better futures for themselves and generations to come.
Fidelity was set up in 1969 as the international investment arm of Fidelity Investments. As a private company, we think generationally and invest for the long term, which has been at the core of our business for 50 years. We do this by developing specific retirement needs focused investment solutions for clients, their advisers and the defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes around the world whose assets we manage. We also offer comprehensive services relating to investing: For individual investors and their advisers we provide guidance to help them invest in a simple and cost-effective way. For institutions including pension funds, banks and insurance companies, we offer full-service asset management outsourcing as well as custom tailored investment solutions. And for employers we provide workplace pension administration services on top or independently of managing their pension assets.
We are responsible for total client assets of USD $663.1* billion from over 2.88 million clients across Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East, South America and Canada.
*All data as at 31 December 2022.
- Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards: Best Fund over 3 years - Equity Global Income Fidelity Funds - Global Dividend A-ACC-USD
- Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards: Best Fund over 3 years - Asia Pacific Hard Currency Bonds Fidelity Funds - Asian Bond A-ACC-USD
- Fund Selector Asia Awards: Excellence in Service Winner
- Asia Asset Management - Best of the Best Awards: Best ESG Engagement Initiative, Singapore
- Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards: Best Fund over 3 years - Equity Global Income Fidelity Funds - Global Dividend A-ACC-USD
- Fund Selector Asia Awards: Platinum Winner - Best in Service
- Fund Selector Asia Awards: Platinum Winner - Platinum Winner - European Equity Fidelity Funds - European Dynamic Growth Fund
- Asian Private Banker Asset Management Awards for Excellence: House of the Year
Fidelity Funds - A world of investment options
Whether it’s your first house, kids’ education or retirement plans, there are many moments in life worth investing for. Fidelity can help you get there. To help you achieve your financial goals, Fidelity offers a global range of mutual funds, available in various currencies and invested in different asset classes.
Multi Asset funds
Our all-weather multi asset solutions are designed to provide you with choice and flexibility to help you meet your investment needs.
Bond funds
Fidelity bond funds aim to deliver regular income and the possibility of capital gains. Bond funds are important for diversifying a portfolio as bond securities are generally less volatile. Fidelity offers both investment grade and non investment-grade bond funds to suit investors' risk appetites.
Equity funds
Fidelity equity funds aim to provide investors with long-term capital growth. The range of funds we offer includes diversified regional funds, single country funds and global sector/themed-based funds.
Cash funds
Fidelity cash funds aim to provide a return in line with money market rates to investors whose primary concerns are capital security and liquidity.
Lifestyle funds
Fidelity lifestyle funds are diversified target-dated portfolios whose asset composition becomes increasingly more conservative as the target date approaches. These funds will be liquidated at target dates.
How relentless research helps us uncover winners
Our investment team goes to the ends of the world to ensure we make the right decisions for you, and we mean that literally. If we need to visit lithium mines in South America or factories in China's industrial heartlands in order to gain conviction for an investment decision, we will go.
When investing, those who don’t want merely to follow the herd need the support of a strong research team that can examine trends from every angle. This is the Fidelity research advantage we provide to all our clients.
For example, obtaining a differentiated view of investment opportunities relating to electromobility requires more than just an auto analyst. An energy analyst monitors how future oil prices could influence demand for electric cars and capital expenditure on battery technology, while the chemicals specialists use their in-depth knowledge of these batteries to assess whether they can enable the travel range that customers expect from cars. Technology analysts focus on the chips and sensors used in electric cars; telecoms analysts concentrate on the 5G mobile telecommunications standard that makes autonomous driving possible; and insurance analysts address the question of how new mobility solutions will affect motor insurance.
These are all aspects that break down a broad trend into opportunities, risks, winners and losers. And this rigorous research process is how we are able to generate performance through all phases of the cycle and deliver additional alpha for our clients.
Our approach to sustainable investing
Fidelity’s heritage is rooted in our deep fundamental approach to company research and analysis. Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis complements our financial analysis to provide a holistic view of every company that we research and monitor.
In 2019, we launched our own proprietary sustainable ratings system, which is used by our team of 180 fixed income and equity analysts worldwide to assess each company we research. Using insights from around 16,000 company meetings we conduct annually, along with industry analysis, competitor analysis and external ratings, our analysts determine an ESG rating score for each company, relative to their peer group. This forward-looking assessment of whether a company’s ESG performance is improving, deteriorating or stable helps to inform our investment decisions, identify future opportunities and, importantly, pinpoint the key risk areas to address in our engagement.
We believe engagement is the key to improving corporate behaviour over the long term. We use our corporate access, research capabilities and investment scale to promote change, through engaging with companies on issues such as governance and remuneration, board composition, capital structure, and environmental and social issues. In 2021, we had engagements with 1,113 companies.
We have been a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) since 2012. In 2021 we scored an A+ in all categories assessed by the PRI.