Access strong-performing Asian-focused funds
Tapping on First Sentier Investors' significant expertise investing in Asia and Global Emerging Markets

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assets held in your own name at
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Invest on Fund Smart in just a few clicks
1. Create an Endowus account
Onboard online in 10 minutes. When you create an Endowus account, we’ll create a trust account in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This trust account will handle your assets and process the transactions you make on the Endowus platform.
You get the ease of use of the Endowus platform, and the trust that UOBKH brings to all its clients, including you.2. Add a Fund Smart goal
Build your optimal portfolio using best-in-class funds at low cost with Fund Smart. Select your funding type — Cash, CPF or SRS.
3. Choose from 200+ funds
Explore our curated range of funds across asset classes, geographies, sectors, and styles. Our platform also guides you with real-time data on fund characteristics, like holdings and performance, to help you make better decisions.
4. Investing better, at your fingertips
Invest in a single fund or build a portfolio of up to eight funds. There is no limit to the number of portfolios you have on Endowus. Monitor your performance and manage your investments online.

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First Sentier Investors
First Sentier Investors (formerly First State Investments) manages USD $180.3 billion in assets (as at 31 March 2021) on behalf of institutional investors, pension funds, wholesale distributors, investment platforms, financial advisers and their clients worldwide.
The firm operates as a standalone global investment management business with offices across Europe, the Americas, and Asia Pacific. First Sentier Investors’ expertise spans a range of asset classes and specialist investment sectors focused on delivering sustainable investment success based on responsible investment principles.
The firm was acquired from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in August 2019 by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.
Each investment team comprises of experienced specialists who set their own investment philosophy, unconstrained by one overarching investment style or process. Each team has the ability to make autonomous decisions. While they work independently of each other, all decisions are underpinned by a common commitment to the principles of Responsible Investment, stewardship and quality, which are embedded across our business as a whole.
First Sentier Investors is known for the independent and focused nature of our investment teams. We have 17 independent teams operating across equities, fixed income, listed and direct infrastructure and multi-asset, all with a shared purpose to deliver sustainable investment success.
Our brands include FSSA Investment Managers, an Asian and global emerging markets equities investor and Stewart Investors, a pioneer in emerging market equities and sustainable investing.