A global leader in active, responsible investment

assets held in your own name at


assets held in your own name at
Grow all your wealth
0% sales charges
100% Cashback on trailer fees
Safety first
Invest on Fund Smart in just a few clicks
1. Create an Endowus account
Onboard online in 10 minutes. When you create an Endowus account, we’ll create a trust account in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This trust account will handle your assets and process the transactions you make on the Endowus platform.
You get the ease of use of the Endowus platform, and the trust that UOBKH brings to all its clients, including you.2. Add a Fund Smart goal
Build your optimal portfolio using best-in-class funds at low cost with Fund Smart. Select your funding type — Cash, CPF or SRS.
3. Choose from 200+ funds
Explore our curated range of funds across asset classes, geographies, sectors, and styles. Our platform also guides you with real-time data on fund characteristics, like holdings and performance, to help you make better decisions.
4. Investing better, at your fingertips
Invest in a single fund or build a portfolio of up to eight funds. There is no limit to the number of portfolios you have on Endowus. Monitor your performance and manage your investments online.

Featured in these portfolios
Federated Hermes
Federated Hermes is a global leader in active, responsible investment. We are guided by the conviction that responsible investing is the best way to create long-term wealth.
We offer investment capabilities in public and private markets, with a focus on responsible investing.
- Active equities: characterised by proprietary fundamental, environmental, social and governance (ESG) and engagement research.
- Fixed income: value-seeking approach based on fundamental analysis, a macro perspective and rigorous security selection for diversified, risk-managed portfolios.
- Liquidity: solutions driven by four decades of experience.
- Private markets: real estate, infrastructure, private equity and debt.
- Stewardship: corporate engagement, proxy voting, policy advocacy. Our pioneering stewardship service, EOS at Federated Hermes (EOS), is key to our offering.
Our business:
- US$668.9bn in assets under management
- US$1.3tn in assets under advice
- 1900+ employees
Source: Federated Hermes as at 31 December 2022
Fund Selector Asia House Awards 2022 Singapore - Excellence in Innovation
Asset Management Awards - Emerging Markets Manager of the Year
Seeking outperformance with positive outcomes, we aim to deliver Sustainable Wealth Creation that enriches investors, society and the environment.
Our $1.3tn in stewardship assets under advice, ground-breaking work in ESG integration across asset classes and a key role in developing the original Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) illustrate our long-standing commitment and influence.