Globally-managed strategies for Asian investors
One of the most established fund houses in Asia, with a strong worldwide network that brings value to Asian investors

assets held in your own name at


assets held in your own name at
Grow all your wealth
0% sales charges
100% Cashback on trailer fees
Safety first
Invest on Fund Smart in just a few clicks
1. Create an Endowus account
Onboard online in 10 minutes. When you create an Endowus account, we’ll create a trust account in your own name at UOB Kay Hian, Singapore’s largest broker. This trust account will handle your assets and process the transactions you make on the Endowus platform.
You get the ease of use of the Endowus platform, and the trust that UOBKH brings to all its clients, including you.2. Add a Fund Smart goal
Build your optimal portfolio using best-in-class funds at low cost with Fund Smart. Select your funding type — Cash, CPF or SRS.
3. Choose from 200+ funds
Explore our curated range of funds across asset classes, geographies, sectors, and styles. Our platform also guides you with real-time data on fund characteristics, like holdings and performance, to help you make better decisions.
4. Investing better, at your fingertips
Invest in a single fund or build a portfolio of up to eight funds. There is no limit to the number of portfolios you have on Endowus. Monitor your performance and manage your investments online.

Featured in these portfolios
Nikko AM
Nikko Asset Management is one of Asia’s largest asset managers, with 283.2bn USD under management (as of 31 Mar 2021), providing high-conviction, active fund management across a range of Equity, Fixed Income and Multi-Asset strategies. In addition, our complementary range of passive strategies covers more than 20 indices and includes some of Asia’s largest exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
In the pursuit of excellence, we approach everything we do with an entrepreneurial mindset. This enables us to think differently, transforming intelligent insights into innovative, relevant investment opportunities for our clients. Leveraging our unique combination of a global perspective complemented by our Asian DNA, we aspire to create sophisticated and diverse solutions that set new standards in the asset management industry.
- Lipper Fund Awards Winner Singapore: Best Fund over 3 Years & 5 Years in the category Bond Emerging Markets Global HC
- Lipper Fund Awards Winner Singapore: Best Fund over 5 Years in the category Equity US Sm&Mid Cap
- Lipper Fund Awards Winner Singapore: Best Fund over 3 Years & 5 Years in the category Bond Emerging Markets Global HC
Our global investment teams have a strong appreciation for the unique characteristics of individual countries and sectors, helping them to cut through the noise to determine the real risks and opportunities. Using local market intelligence to unearth new ideas, they exploit these on-the-ground insights to build strong, dynamic portfolios for our clients.
At Nikko Asset Management, we believe in partnering with our clients to build progressive investment solutions. In a world where one-size-fits-all solutions are no longer the answer, our ability to turn insights into opportunities sets us apart. Our understanding of both our clients and the drivers of investment markets underpins the innovation and relevance of the solutions we develop.
We are committed to delivering progressive solutions that align to the various goals of investors. In an increasingly challenging market environment, we aim to support our clients with innovative, insight-driven and relevant investment opportunities.
Our primary focus is delivering real value for our clients. Our rigorous risk management framework and research-driven culture help to guide our investment decisions as we strive to generate sustainable outperformance for our clients.
We leverage our global perspective and Asian DNA to help our clients navigate dynamic investment markets. Our global investment teams share local expertise and regional perspectives to provide unparalleled insights that help us to develop relevant products and build strong investment portfolios for our clients.